Chapter 11: // Say My Name - The Neighbourhood //

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"Mr Franta? Are you actually alive today or am I going to have to send your lazy ass to the principal?"

Snapping out of yet another daydream, Connor blinked as he saw Miss Hart drumming her fingers onto his desk. With an embarrassed expression, he mumbled a quick apology before revisiting his prior thoughts.

Unsurprisingly, the only person who was on Connor's mind was Troye. Ever since the incident from the night before, he couldn't stop thinking about him. It was like he had somehow managed to take a hold of his thoughts, conjuring up feelings and emotions that Connor never would've thought of having before. It scared him, but at the same time made him feel almost excited.

"What's got into you lately Con?"

Connor whipped his head to one side, realising that Tyler was shooting him a thoughtful look.

"What do you mean?"

Tyler motioned with his hands, trying but failing to convey his point. "It's just...I don't know, I feel like you're hiding something from me."

"What would I hide from you?" Connor asked with a slightly nervous laugh. "You're my best friend after all."

"Even best friends have secrets." Tyler replied, before swiftly adding, "Lord knows that I do."

"Well, obviously." Connor replied with a subtle eyeroll. "I mean, I still don't know who it is that's banging you under the bleachers."

Tyler's mouth dropped wide open, obviously not expecting such vulgar language to pass Connor's lips. "Wait? You seriously think I'd act like that?"

Connor gave him a dubious look. "Considering you were the guy who chatted up and gave head to a pizza boy by a dumpster within the space of twenty minutes, I'd say yes, I think you would act like that."

Tyler smirked, seeming almost reminiscent of the event as he replied. "He sure was a catch. What was his name again? Korey, I think?"

Connor shrugged, before returning to the matter at hand. "But seriously, who is this guy that is sweeping you off your feet? Is he the real deal?"

Tyler let his eyes dart away, cheeks flushed delicately. "I mean...I don't know. He's nice, he's attractive, plus he has a stamina that most guys would kill for..."

"Too much information." Connor squirmed, shaking slightly in his seat as he continued. "Can't you at least tell me his name?"

Tyler snorted. "That would give the game away completely..."

"But?" Connor pressed further as he saw Tyler considering his options.

"Let's just say that, well...maybe they're a lot closer to us than you'd expect."

Connor felt his stomach drop upon that revelation. Did that mean what he thought it meant, or was he being a complete idiot?

"And don't worry your pretty little head, it isn't Troye."

Connor's eyes widened, trying to form a sentence but not before Tyler could cut back in.

"I'm not really down for the whole 'corrupting the innocent' kind of thing. I mean, Troye's hot as hell and if he didn't look so nervous all the freaking time I'd probably ravish him in a bathroom stall but you know...we can't have everything we want can we?"

Connor couldn't find the right words to reply with, his face as white as a ghost as Tyler giggled at the effect he'd managed to have.

"Besides, the guy I've got right now is enough. And to be honest, I have a very good feeling that Troye is trying but failing to get another boy's attention."

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