Chapter 14: // Night Time - The XX //

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Days and days passed Connor by, the thoughts and feelings of two different Troye's in his head as he tried to figure out his next move. Ever since the dream of a kiss and a hint of something more, Connor had been thrown into a blurred world of muddled feelings and constant hard-ons.

The latter of the two was also becoming a massive problem. All Connor had to do was even say Troye's name and his whole face would flush red, the blood rushing south and making him ache in more ways than one. He was pretty sure it was unnatural to get so turned on by merely a thought of Troye's pink lips.

And yet, it also felt so right.

After the eventful party on Saturdat night and a hangover day on Sunday, Connor trudged into school on Monday morning with a heavy head and heart as he stumbled into registration. He saw that Mamrie was slumped over the front desk again, reading some sort of guide book and ignoring the state of her students.

When Connor glanced around, he saw that Tyler was already looking back at him. The glare wasn't angry or annoyed like he had expected it to be; his eyes seemed almost empty instead, upset even.

Connor shot him a remorseful smile, motioning to his seat and letting out a sigh of relief when Tyler approved of them sitting together.

"Tyler..." Connor began as he approached, but the older boy shook his head softly.

"Don't say sorry Con."

Connor raised his eyebrows. "How did you know I was going to say that?"

Tyler threw him a small smile. "Because I know you...and you have nothing to apologise for. This is all my fault and I'm sorry I tried to blame you. It was a heat of the moment kind of thing. You know how I get when I'm pissed."

Connor held his hand to his heart, amusement in his voice as he spoke. "Tyler Oakley? Actually saying sorry for something? I never thought I'd see the day."

Tyler rolled his eyes at that, playfully shoving his best friend. "Watch it Franta, I can take it all back just as easily."

"Okay, okay, I accept." Connor grinned, his head feeling clearer now that the two friends were heading back to acting like their usual selves.

"Good...that's good." Tyler mused, his face falling a little as he looked forward.

"Is everything else okay? You know, with Joe and Zoe..." Connor asked, eyebrows raised as he noticed how Tyler's fists had become clenched.

"What? Oh urm...Joe dumped me but it's no big deal."

Connor's mouth fell open in surprise, his body immediately moving forward in order to comfort his friend. "Tyler I'm so sorry. What happened? Well, I mean I kind of have an idea."

Tyler shrugged, trying to act as if he didn't care though his eyes completely gave him away. "He was angry about being outed. I really messed up and the fact that I made Zoe mad didn't help either...I don't know. It was all just one big mess really."

"Do you think you'll get back together?"

"Who knows?" Tyler sighed, turning to face Connor again. "I mean I want to, more than anything. It doesn't look like he's in ready state to forgive me though, and that kind of breaks my heart."

Connor just nodded, not knowing what to say.

"I think I just need a friend right now."

Connor smiled when his best friend's head landed on his shoulder, a surge of happiness coursing throughout him as he answered.

"I'm here Ty. I always have been."


The rest of the day passed by slowly, with Tyler's mood perking up considerably by lunchtime. The two friends were heading over to sit by their usual table, when they noticed it was already occupied with Zoe and Troye.

Illusive -- Tronnor AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora