Chapter 3: // Never Gonna Change - Broods //

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"Have you met the new kid yet?"

Connor brought forward the question as himself and Tyler were walking home from school. Both had just finished swim team practise with Mr Graceffa, and were heading back to Connor's place for a treat of burgers.

"Nope. What's his name?"


Tyler raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Like the High School Musical character? Is he a basketball player too?"

Connor just smiled. "A budding musician actually."

"Is he cute?"

Connor snorted. "How am I supposed to answer that?"

"You say he was either cute or damn ugly. It ain't rocket science Connie." Tyler sassed back with a roll of his eyes.

"I, urgh...I guess he was kind of attractive." Connor shrugged, folding his arms over his stomach. "He's Australian, if that helps?"

Tyler frowned a little as they crossed the road, his hands tucked into his pockets. "Describe him to me."

Connor spluttered. "Ty, I'm not doing that."

"Why? Does it decrease your masculinity or something? Make you less of a hetero?"

"Of course not." Connor winced at his friends choice of words. "It's just weird talking about him in detail."

Tyler stayed quiet after that, his hands still shoved into his pockets as they hit another pedestrian.

"If you really want to know about him, he has blue eyes, messy brown hair, and is kind of tall." Connor eventually said, which caught Tyler's attention again.

"Go on."

Connor sighed. "Urm, well...he's pale, he's skinny, and I think he has a faded birthmark under one of his eyes."

"Is he a pretty boy?"

"I uh, I guess?"

The corners of Tyler's lips twitched slightly. "He sounds like such a twink."

"I'm not even gonna ask what that means." Connor replied, hoping to steer the conversation into a different direction to gay slang. "Speaking of which, are you actually not going to tell me who this guy you're hitting up is? I mean, I get why you're keeping Zoe in the dark but me? I'm your best friend!"

Tyler actually had the audacity to laugh at that, which only managed to fuel Connor's frustrations. "I'm not telling. I promised him I wouldn't."

"Well, can I at least know if he's in our school? You kind of owe me that since I described the new kid to you in great detail."

"Great detail my ass." Tyler scoffed. "And I don't owe you anything. If you really want the honest answer though...yes, he's in our school."

Connor was a little surprised. "Wow. Is he in our Year Group?"

"You ask far too many questions, you know that right?"

"Well, I'm just going to take that as a resounding 'yes'." Connor laughed. "I think I'm gonna be watching you like a hawk from now on."

"Don't act like you don't do that already." Tyler teased as they approached the house, with his friend only rolling his eyes as a response.

"You know, you're really annoying sometimes." He told him as he pulled out his key.

"It's just for your personal entertainment babe." Tyler winked as it opened up, before strutting inside and leaving Connor to just sigh to himself.

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