Chapter 19 - "GET LOST, STRANGER!"

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I turn my head away from Jay and focus on the wooden door. It's a familiar voice but I can't put my finger on it as to who it is. I stand up from my position on the floor and dust off any excess dirt on my jeans. 

Jay grunts behind me.

Why is he so bipolar? One minute we are laughing and joking together then next thing you know, he's already grunting! I shake my head, annoyed. 

I open the door slowly and the door  creaks spookily. When the person is revealed, I found myself engulfed into a huge hug. I take in the scent of lemon and lime, then relax when I realise it's Jake. He finally lets go and I look up to him. Jake looks stressed. His hair is ruffled up, he is sweating and it looks like he has been running. 

Was he running to look for me?

"What happened? Are you okay?" Jake says rapidly. I nod at him and relaxes. 

"Where did you go? Who bought you here and what happ-" Jake starts but looks over to see Jay sitting in the corner playing with his fingers and looking bored. Jake becomes furious, his fist clenching. 

He walks over to Jay angrily and I am so confused. 

Just as he is about to speak, Jay holds his index finger to him and looks up. He then stands up and puts his chin up in pride, " I didn't hurt your  Rosalind I simply brought her here because she was having a panic attack." He explains. 

I sadden a bit due to his words, 'your Rosalind.'  I also sadden at the fact that he has just given away my panic attacks.

Jake softens up and stares at me. Shoot, people are getting to know about my panic attacks. He walks over to me. His touch makes me happy. It's nice to know someone cares for you...and your panic attacks. 

"You get panic attacks and you didn't tell me? You know you can tell me everything." He says firmly but with a soft expression. I nod, looking down at the ground and playing with the hem on my blouse.

"I'm sorry, I'll never keep anything from you again." I mutter. 

He pulls a string of hair behind my ear and I shiver. 

He bends down and whispers into my ear, "Did you tell Jay?" I nod for the 100th time today and mutter a 'yeah.' 

He stands up straight and looks at me in annoyance. "So you told that but you didn't tell me?" He says angrily, almost shouting and I wince at the sharp tone of his voice. But, Jay isn't that. 

Jay walks forward to him and snaps, "The name's Jay. Son of a bitch, who do you think you are talking too?" Before this can get out of hand I quickly mutter, "Jay isn't that or whatever you said. He's better than that. He actually is a really nice person." I look up to see their expressions. Jay glares at Jake and Jake looks bitterly into my eyes. 

"Okay." He says and walks away. 

I roll my eyes in frustration and stare at Jay. He looks at me sharply. "Thanks." He says, still looking at me. I nod my head for the 101th time today.

I stare awkwardly at Jay for a split second and then walk out of the door, to find Jake of course. Or should I just leave him? I'll leave him. I need to get home. I'm so tired. 

I wonder how Jess is going without me. 


I reach the doorstep of my house and rub my eyes tiredly. I still can't believe that I missed half of school, for the first time. 

I open the door with the silver key that Jackie had gifted me 2 or 3 years ago. Just as I am about to step in, a voice booms from the living room saying, "You should've slapped him." I furrow my eyebrows and make my way to the living room. Jess is lying there in her Panda Onesie watching SpongeBob Squarepants eating popcorn. 

Typical Jess. 

"What?" I say, confused. She looks up to me, and then smiles. She crunches on her popcorn and mutters through her chewing, "Jay. You should've slapped him, kicked him where the sun don't shine. Karate kick his balls. You should've done whatever you could to make him wince in pain. There's videos of the argument are all over social media."

I flop down beside her and kick my boots off. "I know, I know. I just- I don't know. I'm so fed up with everything. I need some rest, Jess. I'll talk to you later." I say, exhaustedly. 

She nods back to me and focuses her eyes on Patrick. I tiredly walk up to the kitchen island and sit down holding a Pop Tart, from one of the fish bowls that Jackie bought because she says it's "Stylish!"


Speak of the devil. 

"Rosalind, honey!" Jackie calls out. I groan loudly, but still answer her. She enters the kitchen with a batch of freshly cooked cookies and I fix my eyes on them. 

Out of nowhere I say, "Are those for me?" Jackie pulls a face at me but still says 'no.' 

"You will deliver these to our next door neighbours, the Dixons. Yes, yes of course I hate them but Mrs.Dixon helped  me to water the plants outside our house and she was awfully nice so this is a thank you gift." 

I take the tray from her with a confused look stuck to my face, why does my family hate the Dixon's so much?


I breath in and ring the doorbell.

The door opens up in a jiffy and a cute little girl stands there grinning hopelessly. However when she sees me, she squeezes her face. "Who are you?" She says rudely. "Will you deliver these cookies to Mrs.Dixon please?" I say nicely. 

"No." She says and closes the door on me. 

Well, she doesn't really like cookies.

I ring the doorbell again and again but no one answers. When I'm about to turn away and go home, it opens and the same girl comes up to me and kicks my shin. Then shouts, "Get lost, stranger!" 

I stand there wincing in utter pain. 


I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't updated! :(

Tobi X

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