Chapter 20 - "Miss. Liar Liar, Pants On Fire."

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 Ow. Ow. Ow. This little girl has a lot more strength than I do. That's for sure. 

"Um, why did you do that?" I say weakly, suddenly frightened of her. I flinch as she points at me ferociously. "You!" She says. "Me!" I cry. "You are a stranger. Oh yeah, I forgot to do the 'Stranger Danger call'." 

I furrow my eyebrows at her, whilst clutching my shin. All the cookies have spilt onto the floor. 

"Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger! I am in trouble so come and save me!" She screams very very loudly. I hear rapid footsteps trail down the stairs and a hot face appears behind the little girl. 



Then Alec trails behind Zachary. And last but not least, Jay. I clutch my shin dramatically, clearly looking for sympathy. 

The little girl hides behind them and they all chuckle. Jay rolls his eyes and carries her up onto his shoulder. "Daisy, this is my friend."

Friend. Jay just called me his friend.

I look at him confusedly but decide not to let go of this opportunity. "She was going to hit me!" Daisy says angrily and points at me again. I scoff and pull a face at her, which scares her. "Liar! See, your nose is pointy and red which indicates that you're lying." I say.

I'm such a child. 

Zachary and Alec stifle their laugh whilst I feel great because I made them actually laugh. 

"What are you doing here, Rosalind?" Jay says firmly.

"I was going to deliver these cookies but Miss. Liar, LiarPants On Fire here kicked my shin and left a bruise. Ow. It's throbbing." I moan. Jay ushers Daisy inside and looks at my bruise. He smirks for a bit which makes me die inside because he is so hot.  

Which I will admit. 

Alec walks over to me and in a blink, I'm carried up into a  bridal position into his arms. I gape at his biceps and look over to him. He winks at me. 

Zachary and Jay are laughing their butts off behind us as Alec walks into the beautiful black and white checkered kitchen and gets an aid box. 

"Thank you." I say politely even though I'm still shocked. 

"No problemo, milady." He replies, grinning.

The two Greek gods, Zachary and Jay, arrive at the kitchen and stare at us. They look impressed at my bandaged wounds and applause as if this is the first time Alec has done bandaged something before. 

He may have bandaged something before. 


My phone vibrates in my pocket and I check to see who has messaged me. Jackie. Oh Lord. I open up the message to see what she has written. 

Jackie: Come home now! Jess misses you. xx

I shove the phone back into my pocket without replying. "Got to go now guys. Thank you for the bandage, Alec." He brings my hand up to his face and pouts his lips, but Jay stops him by smacking his head and gives him the 'enough, it's getting annoying now' look.

Alec rolls his eyes but raises his eyebrows to me twice. I laugh in amusement. 

I stand up to leave but a hand grabs my wrist to stop me. I shiver, knowing it's one of the boys.

"Can you get my phone for me upstairs, please. You know me, I can't be bothered." Jay says. His voice is too familiar. 

"No. I got to go!"

He pouts at me and folds his arm so that his biceps bulge out.

I scoff.

So I quickly go upstairs and open his room door. Shoot, he didn't tell me where it was. I search all over for it. Under the cover, under the bed, his wardrobe (don't know why it would be there), in his drawers. Everywhere. 

However, I haven't looked in one particular place. A drawer next to his bedside. 

I attempt to open it but it's locked so I get a pin out of my hair and unlock it. That was easy. But to my luck (note the sarcasm), there are only some files there. 

Since I'm a nosy little girl, I decide to read the files but get caught. 

Of course. 

The door opens up and Jay stands there in the doorway looking suspicious. He grabs his phone from his bed and checks to see what I'm doing. 

I slowly close the drawer and smile at him. 

"Oh, you found it." I say stupidly. He raises his eyebrows at me and ushers me out of his bedroom.

I'm such an idiot. 

Tell me something I don't already know.


Yass, 2 chappies in one dayy! This chapter is short since I've already done one today, this morning. 


Tobi xx

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