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Third person POV

"Where are we going momma?"

"It's a surprise, so get your suitcase and pack warm and comfortable clothes." The mother kisses the blue haired girl on the forehead with a sad smile and walks out of her room.

Marina was a complicated teenager but she couldn't control that. She always felt the need to wear make up because she felt horrible about herself. She had a lot going on.

Packing her suitcase full of sweaters and yoga pants, she still felt odd about packing for a place she had no idea about.

She refused to leave her make up bag and flat irons, so she stuffed those too.

She walked down to the living room to see her pale father also looking sad as he sat on the couch.

"Why are you sad?" She asks as she sat next to him.

"I'm fine Mar, just stressed about the trip that's all." He pats her shoulder.

"You sure?"


"Marina, why don't you go get your things so we can get out of here." Her older sister Tina suggested, trying to distract the girl from what was really happening.

"Okay." She nods, heading back to her room.

Tina was always the one who babied Marina. Ever since the family found out about Marina's problems, Tina always treated her the same.

"Dad, do we really have to do this?"

"Sorry kiddo, but we don't have any other choices right now, if we keep this up we'll go broke from her medical expenses." The father explains.

"But do we have to trick her like this, she's still your child."

"She's not going to go willingly and you know that, this is gonna be better for everybody."

"I'm gonna miss her." She frowns at the man as his wife comes into the room.

"She's not dying, don't be so dramatic, this is to help her." The mother crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'm ready...why don't you guys have suitcases?" The small girl comes back with her pastel luggage.

"Oh um, ours are in the trunk already." The sister fake smiles.

"Alright I guess." She shrugs.


As the diverse family drove around, Marina decided to take a nap with her head rested on her sister's lap.

When she woke, she looked around not seeing anything familiar. They were driving in the middle of no where.

They drive around a little longer and stop at a building in front of them.

"We're here?"



The family walk into the huge facility as the mom seems to know her way around.

"Why don't you kids have a seat." The mom suggested to the two girls as they nod.

"Hello we've been expecting you, what letter is she?" The lady in uniform tried to use a hushed voice.

"Marina is a B." The father spoke.

"Alright let me get her a tag." The lady walked into a room that held different name tags and stickers.

"I hope we don't regret this Rena." The man whispers to his wife.

"It'll be alright Benji. This place will help her." She rubs his back for comfort.

"I found her tag, now just write her letter on it and then sign this paper just to confirm her stay." The lady came back holding a small pin.

Marina Hauhn
Age: 17
Letter: B

"I'll go get her bags out of the car." The father spoke sadly, leaving the office.


Tina never let go of her sister's hand as they sat together. Marina was oblivious to the situation and her sister's teary eyes.

Tina on the other hand was painfully watching the exchange between her parents and the lady in uniform.

Realizing that she wouldn't see her baby sister for a while almost made the girl cry right in front of her. She squeezed her hand tightly and held back her tears knowing they were about to be separated.

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