"I'll be the judge of how ready you are. Get in the ring and we'll go five rounds. If you're still standing, haven't fallen once and got nice shots on me, then I'll be co-coaching you. Let's go." I said once I got my hands wrapped enough to protect them from serious damage and got my gloves on. Harry rolled his eyes and got his gloves on, his hands were already wrapped from before.

I got the mouth guard in and claimed in the ring to start warming myself up. Harry gave me fifteen minutes to do that before climbing in the ring with me. He had already set his timer so we know when a round is over and we get a break. I didn't say anything the him and just looked at him as the clock started. We both got closer before I threw the first jab with my right hand. He didn't even block it and just took the hit. He swung quickly to my head, but the move was to big and drawn out so I could easily dodge it. I moved myself closer to the corner because I know that Liam used this on me when we were in the ring. Most the pro fighters use it because it's so easy to fall for. That's why I don't you it in real matches because it's what the opponent is expecting.

Harry got a few hits in on my stomach, that I'll have to admit, were really solid. Once I saw his hits change, thinking he had me cornered and now was a good time for a head shot, I rolled to the balls of my feet more to get ready. He swung his left hand to my cheek, but I ducked under his arm and flipped him in the corner. That's when the fighter that lives so deep within me took over. Each hit that was landed on the tall man was one that caused him to loose his guard. I hit him in the side, making both his hands fall then I went in with my left hand to hit his cheek. Harry was on the floor after that. I walked backwards and waited as he stumbled to get up.

Once he did get up, he ran to me and hit me so hard that I saw colors flash in my vision. I felt him continue to hit me, but my defense was up enough that the shots didn't do anything. When I coudk see clearly again, I landed three solid hits on his face. In return I got five hits on my face then that round was over. We both walked to a corner to assess what that had done. I wiped my eyes with my arms and saw blood. The small voice in my mind told me to stop for Niall's sake, but the fight in my took over.

"One more round." I said. Harry nodded even though he was in worse condition than I was. We both went to the center and that's when I felt that itch really start to get to me. So I stopped it by letting it all out on Harry. He couldn't even stop what I was doing. He was in the corner before either of us knew it. He was trying the trick is had done, but that would only leave him with a hit to the chin. He got a lot of bloody hits on me, but in the end then last hit I threw was the one that knocked him down and he tapped out. He just stayed in a ball with his arms covering his face. I took off my gloves and went to make sure my best friend was okay.

"Harry I-" I begin to say, but it was cut off by Harry letting out a soft sob. I pulled his limp body into my arms and let him cry as much as he needed to. People always forget that boxers have emotions. If not more emotions than people that don't do the sport. It takes so much to get us through a match that after, we don't even know what to feel.

"I just want to be good enough!" He cried to me. I kissed his forehead and moved his short hair back that was beginning to curl up with sweat. I took off his gloves for him then sat him up so he could look me in the eyes.

"You are good enough, Harry. You just need two more weeks to break some bad habits and to pick up new tips and you'll do great in the ring. You're good enough, but you need some help to condense your skills to make them tighter." I said to him. I understand his need for a fight and that's where my wanting to change his mind completely leaves. I hate it when people take the fight alway from me. There's no way I'll do that to my best friend.

"Will you help me?" He asked me shyly. I nodded and kissed his cheek that already had a bruse forming. He hugged me and mumbled that he was sorry for making me bleed. I smiled because that's the way our friendship is. We beat each other up then apologize and kiss it better. We're the worst boxers in the world, yet somehow we're also the best.

Harry and I got cleaned up as much as we could before I knew I needed to get back home to my family. I left Harry's house just as I saw Louis getting there. He didn't look very happy, but I knew they needed to sort this out as a couple. I did all I could do, now it's their turn to sort it all out. As I drove home, I stopped at my family's favorite pizza place and got a large pizza, some breads ticks and a brownie for Niall to apologize ahead of time for coming home with two forming black eyes and large cuts on my cheeks.

When I drove up, I honked twice and slipped on some sun glasses to help hide my face from my son's. Ethan was the first one out as always and latched himself on my leg. Ezra came out and helped me with the food. He looked at me and I saw his blue eyes burn with something I've seen in myself before. It was the want I feel for a fight. We looked away from each other and continued inside, both feeling like we just shared our deepest secrets with each other.

"Niall, I brought dinner." I said, walking into the kitchen. Niall looked up from the salad he was making then closed his eyes to take a few deep breaths.

"Boys can you set the table?" Niall asked our sons. They listen immediately while Niall and I walked down the hall to one of the extra bathrooms. He pulled out the first aid kit while I took off my sun glasses. I sat on the side of the bath tub while Niall got a wet cloth to clean me more.

"Tell me everything." He mumbled. Niall cleaned the cuts for me then placed some ointment over it to keep out any infection. He lifted my shirt to see if there was anything there before placing tiny bandages on my cuts to keep the wound from opening at all.

"Harry signed up for a fight with the fist guy he ever fought that one time he fought professional. I went there wanting to change his mind and left there going to be the one to coach him to win. I thought me getting him in the ring would change something in him, like scare him, but instead it had me feeling sorry for telling him he can't have his dreams and goals." I said. Niall sat next to me on the edge of the bath tub and took my hand in his. We both sat quietly for a few minutes before I turned my head to kiss him temple a few times.

"Well you better train him good enough to win. If he doesn't win... You have to go three more months without sex." Niall said. I looked at him asking if he was serious. He gave me that look like this was no joking matter.

"Fuck, I think there's more pressure on me than him." Niall laughed and kissed my lips before we went back to our sons to eat dinner with them. The boys didn't say anything about my face, but this is something that's normal. Me coming home beaten up or with new bruises and cuts was something my family was used to. I guess that's what's normal to them because they're growing up with a boxer as a father.

A/N: is it just me, or does zarry boxing get anyone else excited? Haha anyway, I hope you liked this! What are some good movie recommendations??!?!?!??!?!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now