Love On Paper - part 2

Start from the beginning

I noticed my moms car in front of our modern house and a grin appeared on my face. She promised to bring me my favourite ice cream from a market after work so I was excited to eat it. I wouldn't say the workout was a waste of time. A little ice cream won't too much damage right.

I pulled out the headphones and paused the music as I opened the door to my house.

"Mom, did you bring me the ice cream?" I yell walking into the living room struggling to put my headphones into my pocket.

"She's outside," an unfamiliar voice states.

I scream dropping my phone and grab the nearest thing to protect me which in the case was a decorative vase. I look around the room as I see a guy sitting on the couch in our living room.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he chuckles standing up. As the dim light from outside falls on his face I recognize him.

"Shawn," I whisper, furrowing my eyebrows of confusement.

"Yeah, it's me," he steps closer. I tighten my grip on the vase as he walks in front of me. 

"You can put that down," he gently takes the vase out of my hands and puts back on the table behind me.

I stare at him in disbelief. It has to be a dream that he's standing in front of me in my house. I snap out back to reality and push him aside to go sit on the couch. I bury my head in my hands and massage my head to fight off the small headache I got from the shock.

"It was you at the parking lot."

"What?" I rise my head, looking at him.

"After the concert," he clarifies and I remember. He reads the expression on my face and gets his answer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks, still standing at where I left him.

"You know what Shawn?" I get angry, "YOU left me hanging with that last letter, you could've at least tell me that it's over ! I couldn't live a day with nothing remembering me of you. It was god damn hard to forget you! Finally I got over you and was stable enough to come at your show and see what you were about. Now you come here asking why didn't I want to bring it all back and remind me the pain I went through!"

By the time I finished what I had to say I had stood up and went over to Shawn poking him in the chest along with the last sentence.

He stood there, looking at me with no emotion in his face. That made me more mad.

"I'm really sorry," he apologized, pain in his eyes. I waited for him to say anything else but he didn't. He probably didn't have anything to explain himself with. I moved over to the door, opening it and showing him the way out.

"It was last year," he started, " around October, when I was packing my things to go on tour. I was at home, at the same time cleaning my room out because I was going to be away for a long time. I was putting away the clothes I didn't wear anymore as I found the letters in my closet. The memories came flashing back, literally knocking me out. I felt so guilty even though my managers told me to stop this thing because it was bad for my career apparently. I could have not done this but I was young and stupid. I will regret it til' the day I die. I wanted to find you and tell you everything but I wasn't allowed to. As I saw the girl at that parking lot, that reminded me of you and apparently was you I understood I couldn't wait anymore. So I looked out the address and came here. Completely on my own. And I don't know if you are going to forgive me, ever, but I came here to ask you if you would give me a second chance? Everything I felt for you back in the day was real and I have to admit I still have the same feelings for you. Maybe even deeper. "

I gulp as he finishes. I believed him. He would never lie to me about that. But I was debating between my feelings. I had built a wall inside me to protect myself from getting hurt from relationships. I didn't know how to act or what to feel in such kind of situations anymore.

"I- I don't know, " I stutter.

"It's okay, it takes time. I'll give you as much time as you want," he was too eager.

"How long are you staying here?" I ask.

"I leave tomorrow night."

I exhale as I'm about the say the next words. "Give me today. To think about it and come back tomorrow and I'll tell you how I feel."

"Thank you! " he seems genuinely happy and reliefed. I give him a small smile showing I wasn't mad anymore.

He walks over to the door and leaves the house, he turns around for one more time and flashes me a friendly smile. I return it and close the door. I stare at the door for a good minute before collapsing onto the floor as tears start brimming from my eyes. I notice my mother entering the house from the back door. She looks at me with sympathy.

"He still loves me," my voice cracks.

"It's a good thing right," she comes to me and lowers down to caress my back.

"I guess so but I don't know if I feel anything for him," I wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"Let him in your heart. He's a good person and you need someone like him in your life. It takes a lot of time to get used to the feeling again but give him a chance."


Well, I tried to write the second part. I don't know if it was good but I hope it was. A lot of you wanted it so I did my best because I got that little idea even though I said I didn't know how to continue this.

Everyone who sent me their requests don't worry, I'm posting them next ! In the order of who wrote to me first.


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