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I wake up my head pounding. As soon as I open my eyes I don't recognize the room I was in. I was lying in bed and turned on my other side seeing a familiar face. Suddenly I remembered last nights events.

I had gone to a party where I stumbled into my ex. At first I ignored him but then for my own stupitidy I got so drunk that I went to his place with him and you can imagine what happened next.

I slowly growled out of the bed and grabbed my clothes from the ground. I didn't find my crop top and cursed to myself. I had to get out of here before Shawn wakes up.

I was dressing up while searching everywhere once more. Finally I noticed my black crop top. It was under Shawn's arm. I sneaked closer and started to pull the top. I bet I was making weird faces when doing that trying to do it as gently as possible.

"Well goodmorning!" Shawn groaned and I jumped away because the surprise.

"What are you doing?" he asked with his sexy sleepy voice.

"Leaving," I tried to be sarcastic. That statement woke him up. He opened his eyes and rose up from the bed that much that he could turn on the side and support his body with his arm looking at me with a shocked face. He didn't seem to notice my top under him.

"Already? Wasn't last night fun?" he smirked that made me want to vomit.

"I was DRUNK last night!" I was disgusted,"and it was all a big mistake." I tried to forget all the memories that came into my head when mentioning last night.

"Well, I would like you to continue making mistakes." he smirked again. I was getting so sick from him.

I groaned loudly and grabbed my leather jacket from the ground. I was staring at my crop top thinking how could I get it.

"Looking for this?" Shawn had noticed the crop top and was now waving it in front of my face.

"Yeah thanks!" I grabbed for it but Shawn pulled it away from my reach.

"If you want it back you're gonna have to give me your number."

"Not in a million years!" I turned around just before Shawn could say another word and started walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?!" Shawn shouted getting out of the bed.
"You can't go out without your top!" he followed me but I didn't stop or turn around.

"You ain't going to give it to me anyway and I have my jacket to cover my upper body," I approached the front door and opened it.

Shawn grabbed my shoulder turning me around.

"Please.." he kind of begged.

"No!" I was confident,"and you can keep that," I pointed to the top before closing the door in front of his confused face for good.


I'm such a bad writer!! I should quit.

What imagines are your favourite? Which type of ones would you like to read more?

I would love if you answered these questions. It would help me a lot.

P.S part two for family friends coming soon

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now