•Chapter 14- And you say i'm clumsy•

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Shawn's POV
It's been awhile since Lily came downstairs so I went to check on her. I somewhat walked or crawled up the stairs and into her room. They were both knocked out on the bed. It was adorable. I was contemplating if I wanted to wake Lily up or just leave her like that because I don't know how she gets if someone wakes her up.

"She'd throw you down the stairs so if I were you, I'd leave her alone." Someone said form behind me making me jump. I turned around and saw Kayleigh standing there.
"How long were you there?" I asked trying to catch my breath.
"Long enough for me to hear you call my sister adorable." She smirked.
"And your cousin also." I added.
"Yeah but mostly my sister. And this means.... you're starting to like her." Then she walked away. I mumbled a 'no I don't' then walked into her room.

It was quiet small but big enough for one person. She had a flat screen tv right next to the doorway with a little table underneath, a dresser on the left side of her bed with pictures of her family, friends, and I guess pets she had in the past. There was a shelf hanging above her bed with perfumes, soaps, and lotions in it.
The desk was on the right of her bed with a laptop on top of it, a light, notebooks, pencils, and pictures of singers. The bulletin board was hanging in front of the desk so I guess she's gonna but the pictures on it.

The color of her walls were mint so everything was either white, cream, or black. I liked it a lot. It's a nice cozy thinking kind of place.
"Shawn why are you in here?" I heard a muffled sound coming from Lily.
"Oh uh - I was gonna wake you up but your sister told me that I if I did I'd be thrown down the stairs so I decide to take a little tour around your room. And I like it." I smiled at her.

She just looked at me blankly, closed her eyes and shook her head.
"Never listen to Kay. She always tries to scare people. Now, can you pick something comfortable out for me?" She asked. I shook my head and went to the closet next to her dresser. I opened the doors and found a lot of color full clothes in there. So I pulled out a white sweatshirt that said London in black and some black leggings. I handed it to her and she went to the bathroom to change.

I sat next to Julia. She was so cute. I remember when Aaliyah was a baby, she had big brown eyes and would always try to take my stuff. It was funny because I would take her stuff and get in trouble. Obviously there was down thing wrong with my when I was younger. But then came the time when my parents got divorced and my dad tried to have custody over us but it failed and we had to live with our mom who cared about her stupid boyfriend then her own children. Once we moved into Richards house, that's when all the fun began. Alex would start taking my clothes, ripping up my song lyrics and music notes. He said that singing and playing instruments are for girls.

For a second I believed him, but he was just trying to get into my head. So I started locking my door and leaving out of my window when I had to go to school. Then one day I came home from school and heard voices near Aaliyah's room. It sounded like Alex was bothering her so when I walked out of my room, I saw him holding up her phone high in the air  making her jump for it witch she couldn't since he's like six foot and she's only five three. I went over and tried to get it back but and ended up "accidentally" dropping it causing it to break and waking away.

I hate that kid so much it took up half of my energy just thinking about him. I laid down since I now had a head ache. Lily came back in and put her other clothes in the hamper then coming back over to her bed laying down. She faced me and we just stared at each other. I smiled a little when I saw a little scar above her eyebrow. Everyone has their own unique looks, like mine is the lazy and hers is the scar.

She smiled back and closed her eyes.
"How'd you get that scar?" I asked being nosy.
"When I was about, six... no no seven yeah seven I was dancing to some music in the living and my mom let me borrow her heals so I put them in the corner. When it was my turn to go up on "stage". I walked over to them and bent down. There was a curtain rod in format of me but I didn't pay attention to it so next thing you know, I hit it, but don't feel it so I pick up the heels and dance until my mom comes in and sees blood dripping down my face."

"She took my to the bathroom and put this weird thing on my forehead. Then she told me that I had to get stitches since it was deep but not that deep. Obviously I cried because I absolutely hate needles so it just turned into a scar." She smiled at me laughing. I just shook my head and laughed also.
"You sounded like a clumsy child." I told her.

"You have know idea Shawn." She laughed harder.
"Now is it a little bit weird that we're laughing at you're injuries or is it just me?" I questioned. She just shrugged her shoulders looking at me.
"What happens right there?" She asked pointing to the scar on my cheek.
"Oh I ran into a table. Don't ask how or why." I chuckled.
"Oh gosh. And you say I'm clumsy." She lightly shoved me. I shoved her back and we just laughed a little more than quieted down.

"So what are we gonna do about Richard?" I asked. I furrowed her eyebrows for a bit but then began to speak.
"Well there are three options, number one is avoid him and Alex, number two is we get your clothes and belongings back, and number three is we disguise you. So like make change hair color or eye color. Something like that." I informed me. I nodded my head.

"Well I don't think I'd be able to do option two because of my leg but could you guys do it?" I asked politely.
"Yeah totally we'll help. But are you sure you don't wanna go with option three? I wanted die the tip of your hair a dirty blonde." She chuckled. I did also shaking my head.
"I'm sure." I nodded.
"Well lets head downstairs and tell everyone." She got up and got out the baby monitors then went downstairs.

"Ok guys while me and Shawn were upstairs, we-" Lily was interrupted by Mathew scramming "You guys kissed!!! I knew it would happen!". Gilinsky slapped him in the back of his head.
"What I was saying was that we came up with a plan for Shawn and Aaliyah. We're gonna sneak into the house and get stuff that they need." She finished. Everyone agreed and we got to planning.

I hope this works.
Hi guys! I hope enjoyed this chap. So yesterday I was on Shawn's Twitter and it said that I could preorder his new album Illuminate, but I couldn't since I didn't have enough money in my apple gift card but I bought the song Ruin and let me say... it gives you the feels.

When I was listening to it I had freaking tears in my eyes. But it's really good. Get Ruin if you can.

Illuminate comes out September 23rd btw! (Or preorder album now)

Peace out green beans✌🏽️


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