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Agent Fowler and Claire were riding in a helicopter. Claire knew that she would be part of the American military to comply with her transfer as she thought it over. She looked out the window, silent.

"Monsieur Fowler," she said before looking at Agent Fowler. "What did Commander Zwei say to you before my transfer here?"

"Well," He replied. "He told me that you're a very talented soldier at your age. He did tell me, however, that you were a bit of a workaholic back home after your brother's death. Not even spending time with family in America or home when you had the chance to."

"I serve my country, monsieur," Claire frowned, crossing her arms. "How I cope with the loss of my brother is none of your concern."

"Your commander expressed this concern to me and I will make sure you're taken care of here."

Claire rolled her eyes. She never liked it when people worried about her since the death of her brother Sebastian, but when she was alone behind closed doors, she acted differently. Nobody knew of this, except for Commander Zwei and Lieutenant Noir.

"Why do you care about some French girl Monsieur Fowler? Especially one that is being transferred to your country and being in your army?"

"As I said, Commander Zwei told me of his concern for you. You will be part of the army, yes, but you will have time to spend with your family here. You isolated yourself from them I heard him say. It is important to be with your team, but family is more important sometimes."

Claire sighed. "So where are we going exactly?"

"Your commander thought it best for me to show you Team Prime."

"Team Prime?" She looked away from the window and looked at Agent Fowler, raising a brow in curiosity. "This team... Are they your friends that Commander Zwei mentioned to me about?"

"Yes. One thing you have to keep in mind Sergeant Chevalier... There is more to Team Prime than meets the eye," he smiled. "Don't worry. I told them about your arrival."

Claire looked out the window, silent once again. She began to feel curious of this so-called "Team Prime" and their motives. Were they a special military team? Undercover agents for their government? She wasn't sure, but whoever they were... She was quite curious of them now.

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