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The Autobot base was quiet that morning. Ratchet handled his usual business on the console while the others handled themselves. It was the weekend, so  there was no school for Jack, Miko, and Raf. Arcee and Bumblebee went out on a scouting mission while Bulkhead watched Miko play video games with Jack and Raf. Optimus walked into the room, approaching Ratchet.

"What is the current status of the Energon delivery, Ratchet?" He asked.

"Smokescreen and Sergeant Chevalier are on their way with the delivery now Optimus," Ratchet replied. "They should be here soon."

Optimus nodded, allowing for Ratchet to continue with his business. He was about to head back to his berthroom before the communications went off. He turned around as Ratchet answered the communications.

"Ratchet! Optimus! Can anyone hear me?!" A familiar voice called out, sounding panicked.

Optimus approached Ratchet and the console, recognizing the voice to be that of Smokescreen. He stood by Ratchet as he spoke.

"What is it Smokescreen?" He asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Claire and I were ambushed by Cons! I tried to have her head to base without me, but they somehow got to her!"

"What's her status Smokescreen?"

"I-I don't know! She's not dead, but... She d-doesn't look good either. She seems to be in pain, and... S-Something red is coming out of her back...?"

This got the entire base on edge. Ratchet tried to calm Smokescreen down and ask for his coordinates while Jack called his mother on his cell phone.

"Where are you Smokescreen?" Ratchet asked. "Are you in your normal form?"

"I'm in my holoform," Smokescreen said. "I had to be in it so that she didn't hit my metal servo!"

"Alright alright! Don't panic. I'm tracking your coordinates and am sending you a Groundbridge. Stay right where you are until then."

"But what about-"

"I'm working on it!"

Bulkhead was worried. He never expected Ratchet to get this angry before, and he never heard Smokescreen sound so panicked. What seemed like a calm day at the base turned into a chaotic day just as fast.

"Claire's going to okay... Right?" Miko asked worriedly before looking up at Bulkhead.

Bulkhead wasn't sure of how to answer the question. He was sure she'd be fine, but at the same time, he was just as worried for her as Miko was.

Eventually, Smokescreen arrived, carrying Claire in his holoform. He was panicked, his hands stained red from blood that was slowly dripping to the floor. Ratchet turned into his holoform and immediately ran over.

"Take her into medbay! Now!" He said. "Nurse Darby will come by shortly!"

Smokescreen did as Ratchet told him, worried for Claire. He didn't know what to do after placing her on a medical bed. He saved her from falling, but those injuries... How did she get them? Did she always have these? What happened to her? The questions swam around as Ratchet tried to get things prepared.

It wouldn't be long before Jack's mother arrived. She got out of her car and hurried to where Ratchet and Smokescreen were.

"What happened to her doctor?" She asked, looking at Ratchet.

"I believe Smokescreen will explain it better than me," Ratchet stated. "But apparently she has heavy injuries on her back and her ribs are... Not in the best condition."

"I'll see what I can do, but... She may need to be taken to a hospital."

"Of course, June."

While Ratchet and June were conversing and doing what they could for Claire, Smokescreen left the medbay. He couldn't help but feel like he was to blame for all this. Whether those injuries were old or not, he felt responsible for them. He looked at his hands, still red from the blood that got on them. He could only stare before a hand was placed on his shoulder. He would look up to see bright blue eyes.

"Bee..." Smokescreen said gently. "I guess you and Cee are back from scouting?"

*We came back as soon as we heard of what happened,* Bumblebee signed. *None of this was your fault. You didn't know she had those injuries before joining us. She probably didn't want us to worry.*

"I know, but..." He sighed. "She's so confusing! One moment she opens up, and the next she doesn't tell me anything! Why is she like this?!"

*Maybe... She's not good with people? She mostly spent her time with a military team after all. She never had a life like Jack, Miko, and Raf.*

"I just... She's the human I'm supposed to protect, my partner, and I want to be able to protect her."

*Give her some time Smokescreen. That's all you can do.*

Smokescreen was silent before he gave Bumblebee a nod. Eventually, Arcee walked over over to the two as the base got lively with chatter. Even so, it was more out of worry than out of joy. Everyone was waiting for the verdict from Ratchet and Nurse Darby as tension filled the air.

Agent Fowler arrived when he got news about Claire's injuries. He was a little furious, to say the least.

"Prime!" He yelled. "Where's she?!"

"Agent Fowler, please remain calm," Optimus said calmly. "She's in medbay now. Ratchet and Nurse Darby are trying to assess if she needs proper medical attention."

They didn't have to wait long as Nurse Darby was carrying a bandaged Claire in her arms. The young girl whimpered, feeling the pain throughout her slim frame.

"She's going to the hospital," Nurse Darby said. "The bandaging will not be enough for these injuries. They did not have time to properly heal!"

"Nurse Darby," Agent Fowler said, going down the stairs. "Allow me to come with. I'll call Ms. Chevalier along the way."

"That's fine. We need to hurry!" She looked over at Jack. "You're coming too! We need someone to make sure she stays awake!"

Jack was shocked for a moment before he nodded and joined them. Nurse Darby carefully placed Claire in the back seat with Jack before getting in the driver's side. Agent Fowler got in on the passenger side as she stuck her head out the window.

"Jack will update everyone once she's okay! I promise!"

With that, she rolled the window up and drove out of base. This left everyone standing in shock or concern. This turned from a simple delivery into a dark time for everyone in a matter of moments...

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