"Well, alright." She finished her oatmeal and stood from the table. She walked over to the sink and washed her bowl. "We'll leave in an hour, so be ready," she told me and walked away.

I stood up and washed my bowl as well. I walked up the stairs to my room and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, I put my hair up in a neat bun and got dressed. I put on some jeans, with a pair of black boots and also put on a black peat coat, with a gray shirt under. I finished getting ready, when my mom walked into my room.

She was wearing a gray dress with black tights and a black jacket. I loved the way my mother dressed. She always dressed so sophisticated, even in the cold weather like today. She had her hair curled with her make up done. I didn't even wear make up since it always took up so much of my time. The only time I wore make up was on special occasions.

"Ready to go?" she asked me.

"Yup." I grabbed my shoulder bag and followed her out of my room.

I heard the clinking sound of her high heels on the wooden floor, which made her just about my height.

"Bye, dad," I called, when we made it downstairs.

"Bye," he told me.

He walked over and kissed my mom.

Even with high heels, my mom didn't reach up to my dad.

My dad is 6'5. You could say that's where most of my height came from. He's a bit tan and has hazel eyes, paired with black hair. I really didn't look like my dad, since I looked more like my mom.

"Bye, honey," my mom told him, as we walked out the house.

We got into her car, and then she drove. It took us about forty minutes to get to our destination. My mom found a parking space, and then we got out of her car. We began walking down the street looking at the different stores. We went into a couple of stores she wanted to go into.

"So, mom are you guys staying the whole week or...?" I asked her, as we looked through some clothes racks inside a clothing shop.

"We're actually leaving on Tuesday, but we're coming back on Friday for Christmas Day," she explained, and I nodded my head that I understood. "But next week we'll be here the whole week," she told me, and instantly, my mood changed for the better.

"Really? Like the whole week?" I asked, wanting to be sure.

"Yes, the whole week." She smiled.

I was so glad they were going to stay the whole week, since I never really saw them for more than three days in a row.

We walked out of the store and entered a dress store. I saw a few dresses hung on the wall. My mother went ahead of me, and she began to look at some different dresses on a clothes rack.

"Honey, get a dress for the wedding while we're here," she called me over.

I looked through the racks and picked out a few to try on. I got a simple lilac dress, a teal lace dress, and a black dress. The three dresses were all short; they stopped mid-thigh down my leg. I motioned to my mom that I was going to try on the dresses and went into one of the dressing rooms.

I tried on the lilac dress first. It was strapless, had a few rhinestones on the top, and quite simple down the chiffon skirt at the bottom. To be honest, the dress was nice but not for me. I tried on the teal dress next. The teal lace dress was pretty. It also had lace sleeves that stopped just below the elbows, and it had a black small belt that went on the waist. I really liked how the dress looked on me. I think it was quite flattering. I tried on the black dress after that. The black dress had spaghetti straps and had a gray sash right below the bust area. I admit it wasn't bad, but I preferred the teal dress. I changed into my own clothes and put two dresses on the rack outside of the dressing rooms.

Even in Twenty Years (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now