I don't know what happened or what was said last night to make Paps cry for as long as he did. He wouldn't tell me. It was as if he felt bad for crying...

I shake it off and walk down the stairs.

11:37 am.

I plop myself on the couch and reach for the remote.


I turn my neck in the direction that the noise came from.

It was Paps standing at the top of the stairs.

He looked good as new.

"Sleep well?" I plaster a fake smile on my face. It's not that I'm not happy for him- I really am glad- I just don't understand how he can just forget things so easily. Part of me is jealous.

I can't help it.

It's not fair.

I wanna be happy.


"Alright Paps." I say not really bothered about the situation anymore.

He smiles brightly before walking into the kitchen. The noise of pots and pans can be heard.

"SAY, DID SANS COME BACK LAST NIGHT?" Paps asks from the kitchen.

Did he?

"Lemme go check." I say before going up the stairs.

I knock lightly on Sans' door.

No response.

I open it slightly, then a bit more.

He doesn't seem to be in his room.

Opening it completely, the smell of vanilla and burnt wood fills me.

He's not in here.

Where is he?

I was getting quite worried at this point. Sans never left for more than a night.

I close the door to his room and try to walk past Y/N's room quietly before reaching the stairs. I rush down them and head straight for the kitchen.

Papyrus is doing something on the stove.

"He's not home by the looks of it." I whisper hoping that Paps won't hear it.

He does.

His entire body freezes for a second, before going back to what he was doing.


I can't see his face so I don't know if he's okay or not.

"Yeah he will." I say trying to reassure him.

There's an uncomfortable silence.

I fumble around with the end of my sweater.

"Soo, I was thinking off taking Y/N to the Waterfall today. She hasn't seen much of the underground and-"

"THATS A GREAT IDEA FRISK!" Papyrus says cutting me off. I still can't see his face.

Taking this as a good time to leave, I say a quick see you later to Paps before running up the stairs and knocking on the bedroom door.

There's no response.

I walk in.

She's still asleep.

My brown hair is fairly dry now. I walk up to the mirror which stands in my room and attempt to brush my hair into a man bun.

Feeling pleased at how well it turned out, I sit down on the end of Y/N's bed.

The bed dips slightly making Y/N shift around slightly in her bed.

She shifts around a bit more before her eyes flutter open. What nice E/C eyes...

"Hey Frisk." She mumbles whilst rubbing her eyes rather harshly.

"What are you doing?" I say before pulling her hands always from her face.

I gasp quietly.

Her eyes are red and irritated whilst the skin on her eyelids looks as if it was peeling off. She has dark bags under her eyes and it makes me wonder if she had any sleep last night.

She squints her eyes at the itchiness. I can tell she wants to lift her hands to run them again but my grip around her wrists gets tighter.

"What?" Y/N asks confused. Guess I was staring for too long.

I pull her up still holding onto her wrists.

"Come on, get dressed. We need to see Alphys."

A/N: Okay 4 things.

1- I didn't mean for this to turn out to be so long and the story of this was actually supposed to be different.

2. In the middle of writing this a massive spider came out of no where and it was horrid.

3.Frisk in a man bun huh? That's an image.

4. Wth 6k????? Thank youuuuu❤️❤️

-sansisnotonfire 💕✨❤️

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