It can't be

609 21 14

Phil's POV:
Holly, Caitlin and I are sat in the waiting room. Both the girls' glasses are damp from their tears and so are mine. We've been in here for what feels like days, even though it's only been a few hours. I take out my phone and start to check my Neko Atsume to pass the time and also to look at the cute cartoon cats that never fail to cheer me up when I look at their little faces. Not long after I open the app, I hear footsteps and a looming shadow. I share concerned glances with Holly and Caitlin and look up. It's Dan's doctor and he looks incredibly solemn.

Holly's POV:
We all look up at the doctor. He doesn't look happy and this caused my mind starts to race at the speed of light and I start to expect the worst. It's bad enough knowing that my best friend was having bad enough thoughts that he is willing to hit his head on a wall until he lost consciousness just to try to silence them.

Caitlin's POV:
I can feel tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. My brother is in hospital because of something that could've easily been solved if he had the courage to talk to us. I brace myself for whatever news we may hear. The doctor takes a deep breath then begins to speak,
"Daniel has a severe concussion and is now in a coma. His brain and skull is badly injured because of the surface he hit his head on and there is a 10% chance of him surviving."

Phil's POV:
And with that, I lost it.

Holly's POV:
And with that, I lost it.

Caitlin's POV:
And with that, I lost it.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now