Dont call me that.

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Holly's POV
"I have a plan." This seemed to catch Phil's attention. "When someone is around, we can pretend we're asking Dan for something, but when they're gone, we can talk to him and have a normal conversation. I mean, how hard can it be? They're not going to be strict on him and he has everyone's trust." Phil liked this idea. We high fived at the idea. But we didn't realise it was going to be harder to do this than we thought...

Phil's POV
Holly told me her plan and I've got to say it sounded like it would work. I couldn't wait until we could put the plan into action.

Dan's POV
Today was my first day working at the Palace as a servant. I wasn't allowed to speak to Holly or Phil unless I was asking them if they wanted anything. I had to call them Your Majesty and I could see that Phil wasn't happy about this. Holly went along with it though. Holly was better at hiding anger than Phil. I knew she wasn't happy with the fact I couldn't talk to them as friends when I was on duty and every so often I would hear her in her room upset about it. I was upset about it too but there was nothing I could do about it, at least I could talk to them normally when I was off duty. I could hear my name being called in the distance and I had a large grin on my face. I was excited for this. Today's going to be a good day. I walked down the large halls to the source of the calling and recieved my first duty.

Holly's POV
Dan had started his job here at the Palace today. It was strange. It was strange seeing him walk around the halls doing jobs without me and Phil to laugh with him. It was strange him calling me Your Majesty instead of Holly or a weird nickname he'd make up for me. Every so often he'd come into my room and ask me if there was anything he could do for me. On the end, he'd always add the name Your Majesty. I winced at the name but I knew he didn't like it either however, he had no choice, it was this for a few hours or him having no job and being unable to provide for his grandma. It would be selfish of me to jeopardise Dan's job just so I could have a normal conversation.

*Time skip*

Phil's POV
It was getting quite late at night and I was missing talking to Dan like I normally would. Every hour he would come into my room and say the same meaningless sentence, "Is there anything I can do for you, Your Majesty?" Your Majesty. I've known Dan for 7 years and not once has he called me Your Majesty. Even after he realised I was a prince because he knew I didn't like it. I know it wasn't his fault, but I cringed every time he called me that name. He also looked pretty tired. I thought they were going easy on him? Suddenly, I was forced out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. I let them in. I was surprised to see Dan with quite large bags under his eyes. This was only his first day!
"Is there anything I can do for you, Your Majesty?" That's it. I lost it.
"It's Phil! You know it's Phil! It always has been and it always will be. I've known you for 7 years and not once have you called me Your Majesty. I hate it! Stop it!" I clasped my hand to my mouth. Did I just say that? Did I just lash out at my boyfriend for doing something he had no control over? I felt even worse when I saw Dan with his eyes looking particularly glossy, as if he was going to cry.
"I know you don't like it, Your Majesty, but I have to when I'm on duty. It's the rules." He whispered, looking down. I was ashamed of myself. That wasn't like me. Out of the blue, one of the maids came to Dan and politely informed him that he was off duty now and was free to roam around the Palace and talk to Holly and Phil. Dan thanked her and turned back to me. His smile faded.
"I'm so sorry Dan. I don't know what came over me." He just stared at me for a few more seconds then walked to his room. I put my hands to my head. What have I done? I then noticed a figure in front of me. I thought it was Dan but it was Holly instead. She had her arms folded and she was angrily shaking her head.
"What's wrong with you?" She asked before we both stopped to listen to a faint sound that we could hear through the Palace. We soon registered it as Dan sobbing. Holly turned on her heel and walked to Dan's room so she could comfort him. What have I done?

Holly's POV
I heard Phil's outburst from my room. Phil's outburst probably would've been heard from the other side of the Palace! I heard what he was saying. How dare he? Dan was only trying to get some money so he could take care of his grandma, he'd just lost his parents! Phil was being insensitive and selfish and I needed to say something to him. I walked down to the outside of Phil's room and saw him stood there, looking angry. Whether he was angry at Dan or at himself was irrelevant, he needed to snap out of it. I folded my arms and shook my head like my mum had done to me so many times when I was younger and I had done something bad. But this wasn't drawing on the walls or throwing a tantrum. Phil had hurt my friend, his boyfriend no less. I wasn't going to stand for it. When Phil turned and saw me he looked guilty. I felt a little bad for him but all I asked him was "What's wrong with you?" He opened his mouth to answer but silenced as we heard a noise. It was coming from Dan's room and was quite loud. Then it clicked in my mind. It sounded familiar and I had heard this quite recently. It was Dan sobbing. I turned and power walked down the hall to Dan's room. I opened the door in a panic to see Dan in a terrible state. He was sobbing his heart out and had dark circles under his eyes. I didn't say a word. Instead, I just cuddled him and didn't let go for what felt like forever. Eventually, Dan fell asleep. Although he had calmed down and wasn't sobbing as much, I still felt awful at the fact that my best friend had just cried himself to sleep and I had witnessed it. I lay him down and tucked him in like a mother would. I quietly walked out of the room but before I could shut the door I heard a small voice from inside the room. It was Dan.
"Thanks, Holly. Also, please can you tell Phil I'm sorry and that I love him. So, so much. More than anything or anyone else in the world." I smiled and nodded. I waited outside his room for a while to make sure he wasn't crying any more and then walked over to Phil's room to tell him what Dan had said. I have never seen anyone look more relieved.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now