The only way

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A.N. Sorry I haven't updated a proper chapter in a while 🙈

Dan's POV
Another day. Another bombardment of self-demeaning thoughts. My eyes flutter open. I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking about how terrible I am and how I don't deserve anyone. Some of these thoughts even made their way into my dreams but they ended by Phil chasing them away. Phil is the only reason I'm still here. I get up and put my work uniform and a fake smile on. I've just got to get through today. I think to myself as I walk out the door and go round the Palace asking people if they need anything.

Phil's POV
I'm sat on my bed talking with Holly and Caitlin when Dan walks in and asks the same question he asks every time. Although, this time, he doesn't seem himself. He seems distracted and a bit upset. I'll speak to him later.

*Time skip*

Dan's POV
My shift finally ends and I go and get changed. The horrible thoughts and voices have been running through my mind all day so I do the first thing that comes to mind. I lean against a wall and start banging my head against it over and over again. It's the only way to stop them. I'm starting to loose consciousness as I hear 3 voices; Phil, Holly and Caitlin
"Dan! What are you doing?"
"Why are tho doing this?"
I turn around to see them all standing there, staring at what must be a bruise that I've made on my forehead. I'm about to explain everything when I drop to the floor.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now