I'm scared

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A.N. Sorry I haven't updated in a few days... I couldn't think of anything to write! 💕

Phil's POV
When Dan answered the door, he looked shocked when he saw me. He had splashed water on his face and he also looked tired. He had matted hair and large, dark bags under his eyes. Before he could say anything, I gave him a much needed hug. He looked like he needed a hug and I had missed him so much I wanted nothing more than to hug him and tell him everything is ok.
"Phil, how did you find me?" Dan asked.
"That isn't important, just promise me that you'll never leave again." I replied into his shoulder.
"I won't. I promise. Only if you forgive me though. I've hated myself after what I said to you and I didn't mean a single syllable of what I said."
"Dan, there's nothing to forgive. I made you angry and if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have left. But that doesn't matter now, we're together again." We broke from the hug and Dan invited me into his home. I took my phone out and called Holly. She answered almost immediately.
"Hi Phil, any luck?" She asked. She sounded out of breath and scared.
"Yes, he's at his parents' old house."
"I'll be right there." Holly ended the call and I rang Caitlin, telling her the same thing.

Holly's POV
I met up with Caitlin outside the library near Dan's parents' house and we ran the rest of the way. When we arrived we pounded at the door frantically and Phil immediately answered. I could hear Dan calling,
"Phil? Who is it?" He sounded weak and tired. Phil shouted back that it was me and Caitlin and Dan invited us into the house.

Caitlin's POV
I stepped into the house. I've not been in here since I left. Everything was different back then. My parents were still alive and happy. I wasn't in love with my brother's boyfriend. I felt myself becoming upset but then I decided that I should be happy for what I have now. My brother is still alive and well and I have supportive best friends. What more could I ask for?

*Time skip*

Dan's POV
After a while of talking, we decided to head back to the Palace and go to sleep. It was getting quite late. I didn't want to go to sleep though. Not in a toddler 'I'm not tired' sort of way, in an 'I hate going to sleep because my thoughts haunt me and I feel alone and vulnerable and I can't tell a nightmare from reality kind of way.' I snap out of my thoughts when I realise we're at the Palace and all heading to our separate bedrooms. I put on my pyjamas and jumped into my comfortable bed. I want to sleep. I need to sleep. I haven't slept in days. I'm about to drift off when my brain switches on. You do realise they don't care that you're still alive, right? They're just pretending. I tried to ignore my brain but the voices kept getting louder and louder. Phil is more in love with Caitlin than he is with you. Nobody cares about you. You're going to end up snapping at Phil or doing something to cause him to leave you. You're a let down. A piece of me thinks these voices are right. Even though I'm trying to ignore them and convince myself I'm being irrational. But it doesn't work. I'm scared.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now