I don't understand...

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Caitlin's POV
As I walked with Holly to her house, I couldn't help but notice that she looked particularly happy. Not that there's anything wrong with that. When other people are happy, it makes me happy. I was looking forward to seeing my brother for the first time. I was always out with friends or up in my room doing homework or just drawing which meant I didn't spend that much time with my family. For about 6 years of our lives, me and Dan were like best friends. We would do everything together. I'm a year older than Dan and I would be there to guide him through life whenever he needed guiding. I'd help him with his homework when he didn't understand it. I supported him when he told me he would never ever date a girl and only liked boys. But then afterwards, I started drifting apart from my family. But now was time to fix things and to get to know Dan again. I know he probably doesn't remember me like I remember him. I don't blame him...

A.N. I hoot you enjoyed this short chapter. A longer chapter will be out later tonight I'll be updating at the same time Phanpyrus updates her story "Adopted by Phan" (check it out) also check out "For you, Phil" by danlikesmalteasers
Bye bye

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now