There's something I need to tell you...

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A.N. My 4th update in one day?! Don't get used to it 😂

Dan's POV
I suddenly started to feel terrified at these words. What could he possibly want to tell me? My mind started racing at all the possible things that he might say
"Dan, I don't want to be your friend"
"Dan, I'm dying"
"Dan, I'm secretly a gerbil." Ok, so maybe he isn't a gerbil, I need to stop over thinking and pull myself together.

Phil's POV
This is is. The moment I tell Dan that I like him. He looks mortified, time to get this over with. It's now or never. I inhaled deeply and prepare myself for the worst.
"Dan, I like you. In fact, I love you. I've been in love with you ever since I saw you and I've not stopped loving you and I never will stop loving you. Daniel Howell, I am in love with you." I blurted out, tears streaming down my face. Dan's expression softened and his eyes became glazed and he looked like he too was going to cry. He let out a small whisper, "I love you too."  Holly was in tears as she watched the two boys confess their feelings like she's wanted them to do for a long time now. She tackled Dan and I and engulfed us in a group hug. We were there for what felt like forever when suddenly, Dan's parents appeared at the door which meant Dan had to go. We all said our goodbyes and after Dan left, I sprawled out on Holly's bed, happier than I've ever been.

*Time skip*

Holly's POV
It was 2AM and I was in the kitchen getting a drink of water as I was thirsty and couldn't sleep when all of a sudden I heard a faint knock on the door. Cautiously, I walked over and answered it. I was shocked to find a grief-stricken Dan standing with red, puffy eyes. Without a word I pulled him into a tight hug and let him cry into my shoulder before leading him to the kitchen. After a while I asked him if he was ready to tell me what was wrong. After a deep breath and a second to compose himself, Dan started,
"On the way home, the car crashed and my Dad died instantly, my Mum had a severe concussion and 4 broken ribs so I've been in hospital since then... My Mum didn't make it. All the family I have now is my Grandma." He needn't say any more. I pulled him into another hug and reassured him "that's not true, you have us." I took him to Phil's room where he told Phil the news and we sat cuddling together on the bed for the rest of the night while Dan cried on and off and Phil and I tried to cheer him up. He looks emotionally broken.

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant