The horrible truth

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A.N. Surprise 3rd update for today because me and Phanpyrus wanted to update at the same time because we're dorks. Also check out her story Adopted by Phan featuring me! 😂
Bye bye

Caitlin's POV
Why did she look so scared? All I did was ask about my parents, had her parents died and I just made her think about them? Had I actually just made someone who I'd just met sad? Way to make a good first impression, Caitlin.
I was about to apologise for making her upset but then she took a deep breath in and told me something that I could never prepare myself for,
"Look, Caitlin, we've only just met so I hate to be the one to tell you this but... Dan and your parents were in a car accident a few weeks ago and Dan was the only survivor. At the moment, he's working for my family so he can provide for his... Your grandma, hence why I'm out here. I'm hunting and selling my kill to people so I can give him money for your grandma." I couldn't believe it. My parents had actually died. I broke down right there, not even caring that I'd just met Holly. I sobbed and sobbed into her shoulder, feeling terrible that I was getting her lovely coat wet and tear-stained but she assured me she didn't care about her coat. She told me she's always here for me and that I'm welcome to come back to her place. I thanked her and she dried my tears. We started heading back.

Holly's POV
I did it. I told Caitlin what she needed to find out and, as I expected, she broke down there and then. I always hated giving bad news. But then again, who didn't? I invited her back to the Palace because I think that it would cheer her up if she met Dan. She accepted and I dried her tears as I didn't want Dan to see his sister for the first time ever and know that she'd just had a breakdown. As we were near the Palace, I remembered that I told my mum that I was at Lorna's. I had to think of a lie about how I met Caitlin. I decided on the fact that it was a friend of Lorna's and mine and I had offered to let her stay. My mum or dad wouldn't mind. The Palace is big enough for everyone anyway.

A.N. That's it for today! I'll probably do another long update tomorrow so I'll see you then 🤓
Bye bye!
P.S. Holly is Phanpyrus
Caitlin is danlikesmalteasers and Lorna is lop4848474 lopmc3

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