I'll never forget you

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A.N. Thank you for 130 reads by the way! 💕

Caitlin's POV
My eyes flutter open and I realise I'm in the guest bedroom. I sit up in my bed and stretch. The first thing that came into my mind this morning, was Phil. I need to find a way to convince him Dan isn't the one for him. I am. It's going to take some time but I'll find a way. I know it's wrong trying to break your brother and his boyfriend up. I don't have a problem with them both dating, it's just, I think I'm falling for Phil. I grab the hairbrush Holly lent me and start listening to the 1975. As 'Ugh' is playing, I brush my hair and start to figure out some ways I can get with Phil.

Dan's POV
I didn't get much sleep last night. I was kept up late with the thoughts about Phil and Caitlin running through my mind. I sit up in my bed and rub my tired eyes. I know I'm going to have to talk to Phil at some point. I'm on duty soon, though so I'll have to wait until I'm off duty. I get up off the bed and as I walk to my wardrobe to find my work shirt and trousers, I hear Caitlin from her room blasting out 'Girls' by the 1975 and singing along at the top of her voice. I can't help but chuckle. Even though I know she wants to get with Phil, I still love her. She's my sister after all.

*time skip*

Dan's POV
Ok, now that I'm off work, it's time for me to talk to Phil. I've been dreading this moment all day but there's no turning back now. I change into something more casual and lay my work uniform out neatly on the chair in the corner of my room. I'm about to walk out of my room when I get a phone call. I pick up the phone, slightly cautious because I'm not expecting a call.
"Hello?" I ask, still not sure who it is.
"Hello, is this Daniel Howell?" The voice on the phone asks.
"Yes, what can I do for you?" I asked cheerily, even though the voice on the phone wasn't cheery in the slightest,
"I'm Cassandra from the hospital, your grandmother was supposed to come in for a check up today but unfortunately, she never showed up," I was confused as to why she was telling me this. "So we thought that maybe she couldn't get any transport to take her there. We decided to go to her house and do the check up there. But as we arrived at the door, we heard a thud. It was your grandmother. She had collapsed. We went in to see if she was ok and she wasn't breathing. We tried CPR but it didn't work. I'm really sorry, Daniel, your grandmother has passed away. Don't worry though. She wasn't in any pain." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My grandma had died? She was the reason I was here. She took me in when my parents died. I put the phone down without saying a word and sob into my pillow. After a while, these sobs turn into small screams. I couldn't believe what I've just heard. I need Phil's support now more than ever. I go to his room and just as I'm about to knock on the door, I run to the bathroom to check in the mirror to see if it looks like I've been crying. Luckily, it doesn't. As I'm walking back to Phil's room, I remember what my grandma always used to say to me,
"Stand up for yourself, no matter what you're feeling, if you need somebody to know something, tell them." I remember what I was going to tell Phil before I got the phone call and decide that it's best to ask him about that first. I don't want support from someone who might possibly be in love with  someone else over me, the fact that he may love Caitlin over me doesn't bother me as much as the fact that, if he does, he's trying to hide it from me. I thought I told him when we first met that he could tell me anything? I take a deep breath and knock on Phil's door.

Phil's POV
I hear someone knock on my door so I go over to open it. To my surprise, it's Dan. He had changed into some casual clothes instead of his work uniform.
"Phil, can I ask you something?" I nod slowly and invite him into my room. We both sit on the bed and I ask him,
"What is it you want to ask me?" Dan takes a deep breath and responds,
"Phil, tell me honestly, do you like Caitlin as more than a friend?" I shake my head. Why would I like anyone as more than a friend when I've got Dan? For some reason, he doesn't look like he believes me.
"Well then, why don't you stop Caitlin from doing things like falling asleep on your shoulder or trying to flirt with you?" Was he serious? He's mad at me because I let her fall asleep on my shoulder once. I start getting annoyed, which is very rare for me. "Have you also noticed that she's been with Holly a lot?" Now I started getting really mad,
"What's wrong with that? Are they not allowed to be friends?" I snapped,
"I never said that, but I've noticed all Caitlin asks Holly about is you." He snaps back.
"So? Why do you care, Dan? You know I love you more than anyone else in the world, why are you being selfish?"
"If it's selfish that I love you and care about you, then fine, I'm selfish. Personally, I don't think it's selfish to care about someone, but if you think I'm selfish, I must be because you're always right."
I couldn't help but notice a tear slip down my cheek. I can't believe what I just heard. I felt awful for snapping at him and now he had snapped at me. I walk up to him and quietly say,
"Get out." Dan looks at me, shakes his head and turns to walk to his room. I sit on my bed, feeling completely numb. I want to cry so I can let everything out but no tears are forming in my eyes. I feel empty inside.

Dan's POV
Of course I feel bad about what I said to Phil. I don't know how I can ever face him now. I need to apologise somehow, but something is telling me that he won't forgive me this time. I need to get out of here, I can't take it. I don't know what I'm going to do or where I'm going to go, but I have to go somewhere. I don't care if I get fired from being s servant at the palace. The person I was working here to provide for isn't here anymore. I sit on my bed and figure out where I'm going to go. After a while, I have it all planned out. I'm going to go and live at my old house. Everything is still as it was on the night they died as the house wasn't for sale. I decide to leave Phil a note.
(A.N. This is where the video in chapter 1 comes into the story so brace yourself) I finish writing the note for Phil and pack my bags. I make sure the coast is clear and make my way towards the door. Of the palace, on the way to the door, I walk past Phil's room and slide the note under his door. I walk to the courtyard and tell the guards that I'm going to my house. They smile and let me go home.

Phil's POV
I'm still sat on my bed doing nothing when I see a note slide under my door. I recognise Dan's handwriting straight away. I read the note.
Dear Phil,
I'm writing this to tell you something. I'm writing this to tell you not to worry about me. I'm fine. I know you probably don't care about me at the moment after what I did. I don't care about me either. Together, we've gone through good times and we've definitely had our fair share of bad times. I'll never forget the first time you told me you loved me. Or the time you tackled me into that hug. I really needed that hug. I had a lot going on. When my parents died, you gave me that same hug and I felt so much better afterwards. You are my sunshine, Phil Lester. Please don't spend time worrying about me. Live your life. I'm still here, I'm just leaving for a while. I feel terrible after what I did to you. Don't look for me. Don't try to find me. I'm leaving because I shouldn't have snapped at you. I wasn't thinking about how much you meant to me at the time. I don't know if I'll ever come back for you. I'll never forget you my sunshine. Please, please don't forget me.
Love, Dan xx

Yes, Master (Phan)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now