Marcel imagine

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You were at the park alone just to get some fresh air. It was summer and you had a sun dress on. It was sunrise and the warmth of the suns rays made you smile to your self. There was this big oak tree that you loved to sit under. Even though this may sound weird the tree was always there for you. Today you just sat under the tree and read a book. Before you even opened your book you heard a page turn. You didn't see anyone eles around. You looked and all you heard we some bird chirp. You got freaked out as you heard it again and again. You stood up and ran around the tree looking for people when you suddenly fell. You let out a little scream as you fell but you fell so hard on the ground you suddenly didn't make any sounds. Nothing was broken except your dignity.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't know you were coming around so quickly" a nerdy voice said.

You looked up to see a slicked haired guy with big bulky glasses with a button down shirt with a vest over it with some pants. You went speechless once you seen his green orbs.

"Can you hear me are you okay?" the nerdy voice once said again.

"Yea im fine thank you. Are you okay because I think I stepped on your ankle before I fell and then your thigh as I was falling." you say with a little smirk but worry.

"Yes im fine thank you" he says with the up most manners, and then sticks his nose right in his book. You sit up and you just watch him as his eyes scurry around the page.

He takes quick peeks of you while you are staring at him and even though its been almost 30 seconds he gets tense and quite nervous.

"Do you n-n-need anyt-thing" he asks. "Well I was I wondering what your name is" you state questionably.

"Marcel is my name" he says quickly.

" I know that I don't know you and everything but you seem like a nice guy. Way better than those jerks at my school and in my neighborhood. Maybe I could get to know you better right in this same spot tomorrow?"

His face went pale and you got worried. He wasn't bad looking and if it were up to you, you guys would have been a thing but it appears that he is not interested. You have a sad look beginning to cross your face knowing what the answer is already.

" I guess ill get going since the answer was going to be no. I don't even know why I asked" you said

" NO WAIT!!!!, I mean I would like to y-you know meet you here tomorrow...." Marcel exclaimed

"Ok then....I guess I will see you tomorrow?"

"Ummmm y-yea" Marcel says with a smirk. "Wait I didn't catch your name?"

" Its Y/N"

"Bye Y/N"

"Bye marcel"

You walk back home with a smile on your face hoping your true love has been found.


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