How Did This Happen

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Mark lays in the hospital bed looking at the ceiling not remembering what had happened. He can only remember the sound of sirens. Then he remembered the person with him. Jack. Mark started to freak out a bit and as that happened the doctor came in with devastating news about his friend.

"Jack's okay. . . Right?" Mark put a smile of hope on his face and the doctor took a breath.

"I'm sorry. . . Your husband did not make the crash." The doctor gripped the board.

"How?" Mark asked extremely shaky. "How did he not make it?!"

The doctor breathes as Mark starts to bawl is eyes out. "When you where driving. . . You both where hit my a semi from the side. . . That side was the passenger side and caused parts if the car to impale your husband. . . And the hood of the semi was sharp enough to cut your husband's head open to the point that the brain was cut. . . Your husband died at impact of the semi. . ." Mark bawled more.

"You're lying. . . Is this some sick joke your playing on me? My husband is okay." Mark smiled and tears streamed down his face. "We made a promise he can't be dead. We promised to be with each other until the end." Mark shakes knowing full well it wasn't a joke.

The feeling of disbelief and shock along with sadness and disappear. He closes his eyes and remembers their wedding and how happy they were and how they picked out pet animals which was twin Golden Retrievers named Tim and Sam. They were so happy. And tonight was there two year anniversary and they had decided to go to Disney Land where they actually spent time with each other for the fist time.

"Can I see him?" He asked tear continuing to run down his cheeks onto his soar body as he sat up.

"I would but you wouldn't like the condition he's in currently. We're in the process of stitching him up again and drain the blood." The doctor warned Mark of Jack's condition.

"I don't care as long I see him one last time before his family gets here. I'm his husband and I know that no matter what Jack would know that I would do anything just to see him one more time." Mark wiped his running tears that wouldn't stop and stood up.

The doctor helped Mark into the hospital morgue and Jack's body was the first thing Mark saw his body was covered in white sheet. Mark walked over to his lifeless body and rolled the sheet off his face. He gasps and cries nonstop putting his forehead on Jack's.

"Oh my god. . . Oh my god. . . Jack." Mark refused to leave Jack's side for he hated the state he was in and he didn't want his family to see him like this. "Why you? Why couldn't have been me!? THIS IS BULLSHIT! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE TO PROTECT YOU WHAT THE HELL!!"

The doctor had to basically pull Mark away from the lifeless body that was once his husband. Mark begged and pleaded for the doctor to let his go. Mark began to yell about the semi driver out of anger of killing his husband.



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