Chapter 55//I didn't recognise you//

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Leah's POV
I look  into the mirror and see my huge eye bags and my horrible hair. I don't feel so happy anymore. I see my chubby cheeks and everything. I decide that I need to shower. I walk out the bathroom and walk to Simons room. "Simon, I'm going to go home to shower" I say quietly. He walks to me and pulls my lips up with his hands and says "turn that frown upside down Le." I end up smiling from his silly face he pulls. "Just shower here Le, you can borrow my clothes to wear." "Really? Are you sure that's okay?"  I ask. He nods "of course it is". He hands me some clothes and I walk to the bath room. I turn on the shower and get in. My cuts sting on my arm and my legs. After a few minutes, they ease down which is very good. I wash my hair and get out. I dry myself with a towel in the bathroom. I hate being able to see my huge stomach. Absolutely hate it. I put on Simons joggers and they're pretty big but I love them anyway. And then I put on a sidemen jumper which is just as big as the joggers. I really like these clothes because everything is covered up and yeah. I walk out and go into Simons room. I open the door to find him and all the sidemen in his room. A razor is on the bed. My razor...
My heart starts pacing. Everyone looks at me very confused. We all stay in that moment for what feels like years until Simon speaks up and says "What's going on Le?" I gulp trying to think of a valid excuse for this situation. "That's not my razor." I say. "We know that but why was it in your pocket?" Simons says. I look down at the floor gulping again. "Uhh oh yeah, it fell down off the sink and I don't really remember why I put it in my pocket, sorry." I fake a smile at everyone and they all nod. Simon and Ethan don't look so sure. I tell the guys that I really must be going home and they all look sad. I give them all big hugs and they all tell me to text them and message them when I can. I smile and say "I'll try." Ethan walks me to my car and as I get inside, he says "Leah I know something is up, please talk to me about it soon. I love ya loads." "Love you too Ethan." I say whilst faintly smiling. I drive home and as I get inside I go straight into the lounge and lay down on the sofa. I read a book and fall asleep reading it until my phone starts pinging. I ignore it the first time but then it continues to do this for a very long time. I eventually grab my phone and I see its Simon ringing and texting me. I answer and he says "I thought you were never going to pick up, I'm outside, let me in  Le." I hear someone knock at the door. I wipe my eyes. It's pitch black outside. I look at my watch as I  open the door and its 4am. Theres Simon standing there. "Why are you here at 4am?" He smiles and "come with me." He puts out his hand to me and I take it. He pulls me out of the house. Before he does this, I quickly grab shoes. We walk to his car. He puts on some drake and says "whenever I listen to drake, all I can think about is you." He smiles at me and I faintly smile. We go riding through the city. He's dancing to all the songs and I watch how happy he is. I've missed Jide. He looks at me and smiles and I smile back. Like properly smile.  He then stops outside a very tall building. It's so surprising how many lights are on at 4am. There isn't anyone around though. I look at him confused as he gets out. I do the same and he links my arm and we walk inside. "I'm not dressed for anything fancy Simon ." I say quietly. "nor am I" Simon says. I look at him and agree, he does have joggers on just like me. We walk past the front desk and Simon smiles to the receptionist who's nearly falling asleep I'm still very confused. "Where are we going?" He laughs and we get in the elevator. "Not going to answer me?" I ask. He shakes his head but smiles. We get to the top floor which is the roof. We walk outside and it's not too cold. There's already a little picnic set out and blankets and little fairy lights there. I stand there shocked. Simon walks and sits down. He looks at me smiling. I walk to him and say "what's this all about?" "Think of it as a welcome home present." Si says. I look at him and smile. I sit down with him and Simon starts tucking in to some food. I'm not really that hungry. Simon then points and says "look over there." I look in that direction and see the sun starting to rise. Simon puts his arm around me and I cuddle into him. We both watch the sun rise and it's absolutely beautiful. "Leah." I look at him and he looks at me. "Leah, I've always had feelings for you. From the very first time I saw you when you were in your prom dress, I've knew that I've liked you. You're bloody beautiful like who could not fancy you. You're kind to everyone and such a wonderful person. I'm so so glad you came into our live's, I don't think I can imagine my life without you. And when I didn't speak or see you for a couple of months, it was awful. Everything was awful. I just couldn't be happy because I knew you weren't around. Please don't ever leave me again Le, you don't realise how much I need you in my life and how much I actually love you. No matter what happens, I'm always going to love you through it all." As he stops speaking, a tear rolls down my face. For the first time in absolutely ages, I'm crying for a good reason.  I actually can't believe any of this, I can't believe Simon Minter is saying this about me. I hug him and squeeze him so hard. "Thank you so much Si, literally you're so amazing. Can't say thank you enough and I literally don't deserve you. I'm sorry I didn't talk or see you guys for many months, I wasn't in a good place." He nods and kisses me. I smile and kiss him back.

We finish kissing and he looks at me and says "not in good place?" "Don't worry about it" I say. He shakes his head and says "I'll always worry about you, please talk to me Le. I'm not going to judge you." I don't know what to do. Do I show him my scars on my arms? What would he say? What if he tells the other guys? I gulp and say 'I don't know Si." He says "please Le." I lift up my sleeves to reveal my arms. He gasps. He looks like he could cry. He grabs me and pulls me in for a hug. I start crying too. This is all so hard on my own. We stop hugging and I say "plus my mum died " "Oh my god Leah, i am so sorry, I can't believe that. F*** that must have been so hard on you. I am so so sorry." "It's not your fault Si, don't apologise." He pulls me in for another hug. I pull down my sleeves when we pull away from the hug. "Anything else?" He asks. "Nah, that's basically it, i just isolated myself from everyone. I just don't want to hurt anyone or be with anyone because then I get too attached to them and get hurt." He nods. "I understand but the guys will be here for you through everything. Please move in with us, all the guys would want you to and that means I can look after you 24/7. I don't want you to go through anything else alone. I'm here, always." "You can't tell the guys any of this, they can't know, well not yet anyway. I'll tell them when I decide to. Please promise me you won't tell them?" I say to Simon. He hesitates and then promises. I kiss him and he pulls me onto his lap. Our kisses get a bit more heated.

I push him off playfully and he says "I love you Leah." "Give me time" I say to him whilst kissing his cheek. He stands up and he pulls me up and he lets me jump onto his back and he keeps me on his back all the way to the bottom floor and let's me down when we get to his car. He says "you're super light." I get into the car and mutter under my breath "I wish." I don't think he hears me. Luckily. He drops me back to my house and i walk to the front door and he kissed my forehead. "Thank you for everything Si." I say as he starts to walk away. "Always Le." He shouts  as he gets into his car. I smile and I get inside and go to bed. It's like 6am. 

*A couple hours later*

I wake up and remember the amazing time with Si. I think my life may be getting better. I look at my phone to see loads of notifications. Si has texted me saying:
Hey beautiful, I hope you had a great time last night. Come to the sidemen house whenever you want,  we're expecting you today tbh😋😂
I text him back just saying thank you again and that I'll see everyone soon. I look at my other texts from JJ and Ethan but surprisingly I have a text from Joe Weller himself. I click on the message and it reads
Heyyyy Leahh, I heard you saw the guys yesterday. I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up and maybe go out for lunch, I just want to see you again, I've missed you so much.
I smile at the message, I've missed Joe too. I look at the other texts from him and there are loads saying I miss you and I hope you're okay. I feel so bad. I just never turned on my phone, I never wanted to. I text him back saying:
Hey Joee, I've missed you too. Yeah lunch sounds good, maybe we could meet in nandos at 12?
I get an instant text back from him saying that he would love to go then. I decide to get up and get changed into some jeans. (Media) I look in the mirror and feel pretty self conscious but I need to start being more confident. I put on some makeup that I find in a random drawer. Nothing major but just something. I grab my phone and leave. I'll be like 10 minutes early but that's okay. I get in there and sit down. There's not too many people, I suppose it is quite early. I get out my phone and scroll through social media. I've missed a lot. A lot of being say they miss me, cuties. I tweet out saying
I'm sorry that I have been away for so long. Hope everyone is okay. Guess who I'm about to see! Mr Joe Weller himself🎉
As I tweet out, I hear a voice shout "Leah". I look up and see Joe. He walks to me and says "sorry, I didn't recognise you" I didn't realise I changed that much...

Ayeeeee hello everyone, I hope you're doing greatttt. I hope you enjoy this chapter. You guys wanted an update and I deliver, sorry it's a bit late. Hopefully you can forgive me❤️ Love you guys lots
Neve xx

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