Chapter 30//Leah's Dad and Insomnia//

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OMG! I can't believe I'm on chapter 30 already. I still have so many ideas. How many chapters should I do for this book? Please comment down below as I don't know how many chapters is too many💜


We get in her car and she starts to drive. She puts on a bit of Drake and she raps along. 'I didn't know, you like drake.' She nods and says 'I love him.' I watch as she raps along really well. She's so pretty and funny. We get to her house and parks in the drive. 'Wait in here Jide, I'll go in.' I get out and say 'Na, I'm not leaving you alone in there with him.' She laughs and says 'fine'. We open the front door and we walk in. She runs upstairs and I follow her. She goes into her room, I sit in her chair in there.

She grabs a suitcase and fills some more clothes with it. She grabs dresses and other things. She says 'done, let's go.' I stand up and she walks out of the door. She gets to the stairs and try's to lift the suitcase. The suitcase gets stuck and she falls forward. I grab her hand and pulls her to me. She falls on top of me. She breathes heavily and says 'that was close'. I laugh and nod. I so want to kiss her right now. I look at her luscious pink lips. I think she noticed and leaned into kiss me. I leaned in too and we kissed!!!

Suddenly, I hear a cough behind us. We both split and look up. It's Leah's dad. We both stand up and I stand infront of Leah. I could smell the alcohol on him. 'What are you doing here Leah?' He drunkly steps forwards so me and Le step back. 'I just wanted a suitcase as I'm going on holiday.'  He looks angry 'you can't leave Le, I don't give you permission.' I keep my arms around Le and say 'she's an adult, she doesn't need your permission.' He huffs and say 'get out the way, I want to see my daughter.'

He pushes me hard and I fall over. Leah runs to me and helps me up but she squeals. I see her being dragged by her hair by her dad. I run over and push her dad over. He lets go off Leah and I pull her into my arms. I grab the suitcase and we run out of the house. I drop her to her feet and put the suitcase in her trunk. I jump into the passager seat and I close the door. We both breath out. 'I'm so sorry about him Jide, thank you for coming.' 'It's fine Leah, let's just go.' She nods and we head home. 'You excited for imsomnia?' I ask. She nods and says 'I'm so excited, it will be so fun!!!!' I nod.

We get back to the house and I grab the suitcase out of her car. 'Thank you' she says. I nod and drag her suitcase into the house. Leah walks in first and I follow her in. I see Ethan come out and he says 'how did it go?' Leah looks at me and I say 'not the best.' We both laugh. 'What happened?' Asks Ethan.

Leah starts to speak 'we got there and I grabbed everything but then my dad was there drunk and pushed JJ and then dragged me by my hair but JJ saved me and it's okay.' Ethan hugs Leah and then looks at me. 'Thanks man.' He shakes my hand and I say 'it's alright.' Leah walks into the lounge and Ethan whispers to me 'are you alright Jide?' I nod and say 'i didn't get hurt at all.' He nods and says 'right, okay. Did anything happen with you and Le?' I pause. Do I tell him or not? 'We kissed but then got interrupted by her dad.' He gets into my face and whispers into my ear 'okay but if you dare hurt her, i will kill you.' I nod and say 'I wouldn't dream of it.' He nods.

*A couple days later*

Leah's POV

I have finally packed and we are leaving in half an hour. I get out my small camera that I bought for vlogging and click in on. 'Hi guys, it's Leah here. This is my first vlog so bear with me if it's rubbish. Anyway, today is the day that me and the sidemen and some other guys are going to insomnia. Woooo! I have just finished packing and I have 10 minutes to spare. I just need to take my suitcase down the stairs.' I grab the suitcase with my spare hand and drag it out whilst still holding the camera.  I try to pull it down the stairs but I fail. Simon comes out of his room and grabs my suitcase and takes it down the stairs. 'Aww, what a gentleman.' I say whilst looking at the camera.

I walk down stairs and point the camera to Simon and say 'what a kind man. Don't you just love him.' He puts both his hands under his chin and looks up. He then points to the camera and says 'Leah just said she's loves me.' I point the camera back at me and shake my head. I start laughing as Simon runs round the house shouting it. Once I finish laughing and simon has come back into the hall. I look to the camera again and say 'na Si, you wish.' I laugh again and Simon stands behind me and says 'I don't need to wish.' He kisses my cheek and I playfully push him. I look to the camera and shout 'lets gooooo'. I turn my camera off and put it back in my pocket.

I walk into the kitchen and see everyone in there. I see Josh vlogging and so I go behind him and pull funny faces. Josh looks back at me and laughs and says 'that's Leah, everyone.' I laugh and walk away. I see Ethan getting out his vlogging camera. I jump on to his back and he laughs. He turns the camera on and shows all the guys and says 'wooo, so we are going to insomnia with all of the sidemen.' He then puts the camera to me and him and says 'and Leah.' I wave to the camera and say 'YAYY!' 'Ouch'. He says. I laugh and then everyone joins in. I jump off his bag and say 'shall we go?' All the boys nod and we head out of the kitchen. I grab my suitcase and run out of the front door. There are several cabs. I pick the last one and I give my suitcase to the driver. He puts it in and I jump into the back.

I see the boys coming out of the front door and seeing them all running to the cabs. I'm so excited to go to insomnia. I just want to be there already.

Wooo, Insomnia! I've never been to Insomnia but I would love to go😍. Comment down below if you have gone and tell me how it was. Also, the media is what she is wearing to the airport. Have a nice day;))) love ya's

Neve xoxo

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