My Mom Wants Me To Move On

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I'm woken up to tapping on my door. I stir and look at my phone. Squinting from the brightness, I read the time. 1:24am. Who could possibly be in the house and at my door. I look over and Zeke is no longer laying next to me. I hop out of bed and throw on some shorts and open the door to find Vitta and Jax standing in the other side.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask rubbing my eyes. Vitta pushes past me and flips on the lamp on my nightstand. She holds up a bottle of Apple Crown Royal.
"We needed a drink. My mom is being a pain in the ass for no reason and I snuck out the window. Jax tagged along. I figured you would need a drink," she explains.
"Its like two in the morning," I say.
"What happened to you? You used to stay up all night with me," Vitta jokes.
"Ha ha," I laugh sarcastically.
Vitta plops down on my bed as Jax enters the room. I sit down next to her, rubbing my eyes again. I watch Jax drag my desk chair next to my bed and sit down.
"You didn't invite Zarrah?" I watch her as she opens the bottle and takes a swig.
"We kinda had an argument," She says passing Jax the bottle.
"Yall just started dating, What could Yall possibly be arguing about?" I ask taking the bottle from Jax.
"She says I keep ditching her for you. She thinks I have a thing for you. The straight girl who's still pining over her dead ex boyfriend. Crazy right?" she says.
"Yeah. Definitely crazy," I say taking a second drink before I pass the bottle to Vitta.
"I would like to correct your statement Vitta," Zeke says popping up beside Jax.
"Go ahead," Vitta says, chugging. Zeke looks at me and sees my annoyed expression.
"Never mind," he says Then disappears. I want annoyed at him. Annoyed at Vitta's obsession with Zarrah enough to point out the obvious and the fact that they showed up here at 2 in the morning.
"So when are yall going on this date?" Vitta asks me. I look at Jax.
"Tomorrow," he says.
"Have fun. I'll be sitting at home constantly trying to convince Zarrah that I'm not in love with a straight girl," she says and leans back on my bed. I roll my eyes and Jax hands me the bottle. Vitta's phone starts ringing.
"Shit, it's Zarrah. I'll be back," she says and then exits my room.

"She's kind of blunt, isn't she," Jax says.
"You think?" I say sarcastically while handing him the bottle that is almost empty.
"Are you alright?" he asks.
"I guess," I sigh. He moved and sits on the bed next to me.
"I'll make it better with the date tomorrow," he says winking at 2nd and elbowing me in the side. I smile at him. He throws his arm over my shoulder and I lean my head on him. We sit there for a little while then Vitta comes back in the room.
"I've got to go see Zarrah," she says.
"You okay to drive?" I ask.
"Yes," she says and turns to leave. "Wait!" I tell. She turns to me.
"Take Jax with you," I say to her. I see Jax turn and look at me out of the corner of my eye.
"Lets go then," Vitta says. Jax gets up to follow her. I grab his hand and pull down to me.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I say, looking in his eyes. For a second, I almost kiss him. Then i remember Zeke could be here. I release his hand and him looking thoroughly confused, follows Vitta down the stairs. I push my door closed and lay in bed. Before I doze off I feel Zeke's warmth beside me. He rests a hand on my arm and I fall asleep.

I wake up around 7am the next morning. I'm dreading going to school but I drag myself out of bed anyways. It's unusually cold this morning. I glance out the window to see that it is slowly and softly snowing. Wow. It's a little early for snow. Oh well. I hop in the shower to warm up and then put on My skinny jeans and My light blue sweater. I pull on my thigh high boots over my jeans and head downstairs. I'm surprised to find Jax sitting at the table with my mom.
"Good morning honey," my mom says.
"Leila," Jax says softly.
"Jax is here to take you to school," my mom says smiling at me.
"Oh.." I say.
"I didn't want you driving by yourself in this weather," my mom explains.
"What did you do? Call him and tell him to drive me to school?" I ask sarcastically as I grab a blueberry muffin for a container.
"Yes," my mom says seriously. I roll my eyes while my back is turned to her. She is really trying to get me to move on.
"I'll be ready in a minute," I say and jog up the stairs two at a time. I go into my room and grab my phone and backpack.
"Jax is downstairs," Zeke says scaring me. I grab my chest.
"Yeah i know. My mom called him So I could ride with him to school kuz the weather," I explain. Zeke doesn't say anything and then leaves. I sigh. I walk back downstairs.
"Lets go," I tell Jax.
"Have fun at school kids," my mom yells as we're walking out the door.
"I was surprised when your mom called me this morning," Jax says driving.
"I was surprised to find you Sitting in my kitchen," I say back. He suppresses a laugh and keeps driving.
When we get to school Vitta is standing by the doors, pacing.
"Everything okay?" Jax asks her.
"Zarrah is still mad at me. This is so stupid. I dont even like you like that. Ugh," she says.
"Huh?" Jax asks.
"She now thinks I'm love with you Jax. I dont even like guys. She thinks I'm faking being a lesbian. She's so ridiculous," Vitta almost yells. People start to stare.
"Vitta, calm down," I say grabbing her arms and making her look at me. She looks in my eyes.
"Ignore it. If she doesn't get over it Then she isnt right for you," I say.
"What would I do without you," she says pulling me into a hug.
"Crash and burn," I whisper. She releases me.
"Lets get to class," she says. The rest of the day goes by slow. Luckily, everyone has gotten over the Zeke incident and had moved on to other things.

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