The Accident

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The last bell finally rings and I go to my locker to put my books up. Vitta walks up and opens her locker.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"Going over to Zeke's house," I reply.
"You do that every day. Hang out with me," she says, stuffing books in her bag.
"I hang out with YOU every day. I'm going over to Zeke's house," I inform her.
"You're no fun," she nags.
"Thanks," I declare. She walks with me down to the front of the school. Zeke is talking to some of his friends. I walk up to him.
"Hey baby," he says, tossing his arm over my shoulders.
"Leila, I hear you're stealing my boy for the night. I was gonna take him to a party," Zeke's friend, Mark implies.
"What time is the party?" I ask.
"10," Mark replies.
"You can still go babe. That leaves us 5 hours together," I chat to Zeke.
"You should come too. Booze, drugs, music," His other friend, Luke adds.
"Sounds fun, but I have an algebra test to study for," I blurt, passing it up.
"Sorry guys, I've got the nerdy girl," Zeke says. They laugh.
"Well if you change your mind, the offer stands," Luke begs.
"I'll keep that in mind," I say smiling at him.
"We'll see you tonight bro," Mark murmurs to him and they walk off.
"Ready to go?" he asks me.
"With you? Of course," I say. He takes my hand and we walk to his car. He opens the door and I get in. We drive to his house.

"Want something to drink?" he asks me as I sit down on the couch.
"Sure," I say and grab the Xbox controller. He comes back and hands me a Pepsi and a brownie.
"Thanks babe," I mumble, and hand him the controller. He turns on the tv and opens up Netflix while I open my brownie. I take a bite as he picks a movie. He decides we watch Always Sunny In Philadelphia. He puts his arm over my shoulder and brings me to him. I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm around his waist. We watch a couple episodes, then I remember my assignment.
"Shit," I say.
"What?" he asks.
" I've got to call my partner for psychology so I can finish out assignment. Give me 10?" I ask him.
"No problem baby," he says. I go outside and sit on the porch. I pull out my cell phone along 28th the piece of paper Jax wrote his number on. I dial.
"Hello?" He answer after four rings.
"Hey. Its Leila," I say.
"Glad you called," he declares, flirtatiously.
"Me too. Need to get this assignment done," I reply.
"You sure you didn't just wanna talk to me?" He brags.
"No. Can we hurry this up, I would like to spend some time with my BOYFRIEND before this party tonight," I groan.
"Oh yeah. I'll be at the party," he informs me.
"That's going in my list. Likes to party," I bark, writing it on the paper.
"I'll add it to mine too," he says laughing at me. I roll my eyes.
"So you wanna meet up at the party?" He asks.
"I think I got enough info," I qawk.
"See you there," he smirks and hangs up. Ugh. Maybe I will to to this party. I go back inside and join Zeke. We watch Netflix until about 9 and we get in the car to head to the party.
"I'm glad you decided to come to the party with me," he says.
"I'll be fun," I reply. He stops at a red light.
"I love you," he says.
"I love you too baby," I reply
"I will always love you," he says.
The light turns green and he starts going. The next thing I know our car is upside down. I'm pinned to my seat. Oh right, the seatbelt. Everything is fuzzy and I'm very dizzy.
"Zeke," I say. My voice is all scratchy and my throat hurts.
"Zeke!" this time I say it louder. No reply. The last thing I see before I pass out is blood dripping.

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