My Undying Love

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"You look beautiful today," Zeke whispers as he wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses me on the cheek.
"Thanks baby," I say smiling at him.
"May I walk you to class?" he asks.
"Dont you do that every day?" my best friend, Vitta answers, slamming her locker, which happens to be right next to mine. "Thanks for ruining that," I joke, rolling my eyes at her. I grab my Algebra 3 book out of my locker and close it.
"Sorry Zeke, but I've got to steal your girl. You know, secrets and what not," Vitta barks, staring him down. I see him hide a smile.
"See you later baby," he murmurs to me. He kisses me real quick and walks away. I see him join a group of his friends that are walking down the hallway. He gets multiple loud greetings as he catches up to them. I smile and me and Vitta walk in the same direction.
"So, what do you think of Zarrah?" Vitta asks me.
"She's cool. Nice. Why?" I ask, curious.
"She's cute," she answers. I probably should have mentioned this but Vitta is lesbian. Zeke and his friends stop at their lockers, which all happen to be right beside each other. He winks at me when we're walking by. I smile at him. I get a few 'heys' from his friends. I give them a little wave and keep walking.
"I'm gonna ask her out," Vitta suddenly says.
"Go for it," I reply.
We walk into our first hour psychology. There is something pulled up in the projector. It looks like our tables with our names on it. At the top it says 'seating chart' in big letter.
"Seating chart? What are we in, 8th grade?" Vitta blurts, annoyed.
"Looks like we arent sitting together," I inform, looking over the chart.
"This is ridiculous. Mr. Black, can me and Leila sit by each other?" She asks batting her eyes.
"So you can cheat your way through my class? I don't think so. Take your seat," he replies eyeing her.
"Ugh whatever," she groan, rolls her eyes, and stomps to her seat on the other side of her room. I take my seat at the table at the front. I look at the board to see who is sitting next to me When the bell rings. Someone comes jogging in the class.
"Late? Bad way to start your first day," Mr. Black says to the talk guys
"Sorry, got lost," he murmurs, glances at the chart, then slides into the seat next to me.
"Alright, your first assignment. You're gonna talk to your new table buddies and get to know them. I want at least half a page of facts about them. Actually facts, not just their apperance or what they're wearing. Due tomorrow. Go," Mr. Black says and sits back down.
"I'm Jax," the guy next to me says, smiling at me.
"Leila," I reply. He has shaggy Brown hair and gorgeous green eyes.
"So... Leila, I need facts," he chats, pulling a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.
"So do I," I reply.
"Favorite color?" he asks.
"Green," I reply.
"Blue," He continues.
"Favorite show?" I ask.
"Family Guy," he answers.
"Grey's Anatomy," I babble back.
"Boyfriend?" He continues, surprising me.
"That's kind of personal," I reply, not wanting to tell him.
"How? Just a curious simple question," he informs. He looks like he's anticipating this answer.
"Yes, I do have a boyfriend," I finally reply.
"Hmm, bummer. You're really pretty," he comments with a smile on his face
"Thanks," I gasp, hiding my smile.
There's no speaking for a few minute like he's thinking about something.
"What about you?" I finally ask him.
"I'm not into guys," he says, hiding a laugh.
"I meant a girlfriend," I gawk, rolling my eyes at him. He laughs.
"No girlfriend," He says. For some reason that makes me happy. Weird.
"So you're new to the school?" I'm curious.
"Transfer from Utah," He claims.
"Oh... Why here, to this little boring town?" I ask.
"My mom met a guy on the Internet. Moved here for him," he seems uninterested in talking about it.
"Oh... Cool," I say trying to drop it.
"If you consider leaving all my friends and moving to a new school and state for my senior year as cool, Then sure," he's sarcastic.
"Sorry," I say quietly.
"No, I'm sorry. What about you?" he asks.
"I've lived here my whole life. Born and raised." I explain.
"Sounds wonderful," he says. My phone vibrates. It's a text from Vitta:
My partner sucks. Typical annoying jock. How is yours?
I reply:
Pretty cool actually.
She texts back:
"So am I gonna get more info or are you gonna text your boyfriend for the last 20 minutes of class?" Jax pesters, interrupting my thoughts.
"I'm not texting my boyfriend," I nag, setting my phone down, "I'm texting my best friend who is sitting towards the back of the classroom."
"Which one is she?" He asks looking back.
"Second to last row on the left," I respond. He looks for a minute
"She's hot. Does she have a boyfriend?" he asks.
"No boyfriend. But she is trying to date this GIRL!" I say with emphesis.
"Bummer," he replies.
My phone vibrates again. This time It's Zeke:
Meet me at your locker after class
Hmm, wonder what he wants.
"I don't have enough facts," I blurt, returning to Jax.
"Here," he tears off a part off his paper and scribbles something on it, then hands it to me. The bell rings and he's the first one up and out of the class. I look at the paper and it had his phone number written on it. I fold it up and stuff it in my pocket before Vitta gets up to the front.
"Lets go nerd," she groans, grabbing my elbow and pulling me up. I grab my books and we walk out of the classroom.
"Zeke wants me to meet him at the locker so I'll see you at lunch," I tell Vitta.
"Cool, I'm gonna go stalk Zarrah," she brags and walks off. I go to my locker and Zeke is already waiting there.
"Wanna come over after school?" He asks when I walk up.
"I had to meet you at the locker so you could ask me something you could've just texted me?" I question.
"You have somewhere better to be?" he begs.
"I never have anywhere better to be," I giggle, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"So is that a yes?" he asks.
"Of course," I say and kiss him.
"No personal display of affection kids!" a teacher says from the other side of the hall.
"Come on," Zeke pesters jokingly.
The teacher just stares with an evil eye.
"Hard ass," I whisper to Zeke and release him, "I've got to get to Algebra," I tell him.
"Okay. See you at lunch baby," he says, kisses me on the cheek and walks away. I smile. The teacher is just eyeing me. I laugh to myself and walk to class.
The rest of the day goes by slow because I'm excited to go over to Zeke's house.

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