Zeke's Parents

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I jog up to the door and am greeted by my mom.
"Happy Birthday baby girl," she says wrapping me in her arms.
"Mine first!" she pulls me in inside and hands me a piece of clothing. I hold it up to see it's a Grey's Anatomy t-shirt.
"Thanks mom. I love it," I smile at her.
"Oh and this was in the mail," she says handing me a small box.
"Thanks mom, I'm gonna go lay down, I'm tired," I explain.
"Okay baby," she kisses me on the forehead, "Happy Birthday again."
I smile at her and run upstairs.
I sit down in my bed and examine the box. Wonder what it could be. Inside is a smaller leather box. I open it to find a silver chain. I immediately know who it's from. I pull the chain out and at the end dangles the letter Z. I sigh. I grab the J pendant around my neck. Hard decision. I finally set the Z necklace on my bedside table and lay down. My pillow makes a crinkling sound. I lift my pillow to find an envelope under my pillow. I open it and pull at card out. It says 'Happy Birthday' on the outside. I open it and on the inside it reads:
Sorry I wasn't able to get you anything for your birthday girl. I'll make it up to you. Love you!
Xoxo, Vitta
I smile and set it by Zeke's necklace. I close my eyes but jump when I feel the end of my bed sink down. I look to find Zeke sitting there.
"You scared me," I say laying back down.
"You like him don't you?" she blurts.
"What?" I say sitting up.
"Jax. You like him," he repeats.
"Why do you think that?" I ask.
"I saw you. Earlier when Vitta showed up and before he left earlier," he explains, "you were gonna kiss him."
I sigh. "What do expect me to do? I can't kiss you. I can't hug you. I can't even tough you."
"I love you," he says and then he's gone. I sigh again. What does he expect me to do? I drift to sleep thinking about Jax and Zeke.

I wake up the next morning to a text from Vitta:
I'm pretty Sure I'm in love with Zarrah.
I text back:
I'm pretty Sure you're imagining things.
I hop out of bed and take a shower. I throw on some short shorts and a baggy car t-shirt that goes way past my shorts. I stuff my feet into my flip flops and to downstairs. I find my mom sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book.
"Good morning," she says when I sit down across from her.
"Morning," I say.
"Want breakfast?" she asks.
"Sure," I reply and then she gets up and starts pulling stuff out of the fridge. My mom loved to cool for me. She'll hate it when I move out. I pour myself a cup of coffee and go sit on the couch in the living room. My phone vibrates again. This time It's Jax:
Got plans today?
"Don't reply," I hear Zeke say from behind me. I set my phone down on the coffee table and pick up the remote, turning on Grey's Anatomy. Zeke sits down next to me.
"Spend the day with me?" He asks me.
Before I can answer my mom calls me into the kitchen. I sit down at the table and she sets a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. She hands me a soda from the fridge.
"You know me so well," I say smiling at her, "thanks mama."
She smiles at me and sit down across from me.
"So I was thinking We could go visit Zeke's parents today." it's not a question. Its a demand.
"That sounds good," I say stuffing a piece of bacon into my mouth.
"Okay, we'll go after breakfast," she says. After I finish eating I rinse my plate off and shove it in the dishwasher. I do the same with mom's plate and the dishes she used to cook. I grab my soda and jog up the stairs to my room. When I walk in Zeke is sitting on my bed.
"So What would you like to do today?" he asks. I set my soda down on the bedside table and sit down next to him.
"Actually, me and my mom are going to see your parents," I say. He looks at me.
"Why?" he asks.
"My mom's suggestion. You should come," I say.
"You want me to come?" help he asks me.
"Of course," I say smiling at him.
"Okay," he says.
"I have to get dressed," I say hoping off my bed and going to my closer. I pull out my jeans and the SOA shirt Zeke bought me. When I turn back around Zeke is gone. I get dressed and throw on my sneakers. I put my phone in my pocket and go back downstairs with my almost empty soda. I sit on the couch waiting for my mom. My phone vibrates. A text from Vitta:
Hang with me and Zarrah?
I reply with:
Going to see Zeke's parents. Maybe later.
My mom comes back in wearing black slacks and a red flowy blouse.
"Ready?" she asks me.
"Yes," I say and we get in the car. I find Zeke sitting in the back When I slide into the car. I smile at him and he gives me a nervous smile.
"Dont show yourself," I say quickly before my mom gets in the car.
When we get there i follow my mom to the door and Zeke trails behind. She knocks and we stand there for a few minutes before his mom answers the door.
"Julia. Leila. What a nice surprise," she says. She doesnt look too Good. Her hair is a mess, she is dressed in pj bottoms and a baggy shirt. She has dark rings under her eyes that look like she's either been crying or not sleeping or both. I glance at Zeke real quick and he looks upset. She lets us in.
"Just Let me clean myself up real quick," she says motioning us to the couch then exiting the room.
"She looks terrible," Zeke says to me. I nod to him. I can't answer in front of my mom.
"I think this is the first time I've ever been in their house," my mom says looking around.
"This is probably the millionth time I've been here," I say quietly. Zeke rests his hand on my knee.
"Does it feel weird without Zeke here?" my mom asks me. I look down at Zeke's hand then over to him.
"Yeah." I lie. Truth is, Zeke is here. Maybe not to everyone else but he is here to me.
"I want my mom to see me," Zeke says.
"Bad idea," I whisper quietly so my mom doesnt hear. I dont think he heard me either because when I look over he's gone. I sigh. Zeke's dad comes walking in.
"Julia, good to see you again," he says making us turn around, "Leila," he says with a soothing voice, holding out His arms. I get up and hug him.
"I'm glad you came by, I'm hoping it will help Kim," he says to me.
"David!" I hear his mom yell.
"Excuse me," he says and jogs away. He has no idea what he's in for.
"We should go," I tell my mom.
"Why?" she asks.
"I just think it's a good idea," i beg.
"Honey, I know you miss Zeke and don't wanna be here around his stuff but we're here for David and Kim," she says. I sudden my hear his mom crying in the other room and his dad comes walking back in.
"Kim isn't feeling very well, do you think you could come back another day?" he asks.
"Of course," my mom says standing up.
"Do you mind if I go to Zeke's room for a few minutes. I can let myself out when I'm done," I say.
"Sure sweetie," he says.
"Thank you," I say hugging him.
"I'll wait in the car," my mom touches my shoulder then walks out the door. I walk slowly to Zeke's room. Remembering all the days we would walk together. We used to sneak to his room some days when we first got together. His parents were kind of protective until they got to know me. I open his door and go inside. Zeke is sitting on his bed.
"You were right. Bad idea," he says.
"Told you," I say walking around the room. I pick up the photo frame from his bedside table. Its a picture of us. Its the day we went on out first date. He was dressed in dress pants and a button up blue shirt. I was wearing a short purple dress and white flats with my hair pulled up with a white ribbon. We looked so young. But that was 3 years ago. I pick up the second photo frame. Its a photo of me, Zeke, Vitta, Mark, and Luke. We were at the public pool and we are all wearing our bathing suits and smiling. We look so happy. That was over the summer. I sit down on his bed beside him.
"I miss you," I say.
"I know," he replies. I look around one more time.
"We have so many memories here," he says to me. I sigh and get up.
"My mom is waiting on me," I say. I leave the room and to to the car. We drive in silence to the house. When we pull up to the house my phone chimes. Another text from Vitta:
Just Let me know.
"I'm gonna go over to Vitta's," I tell my mom. I hop in my car and drive to her house. Her mom lets me in and I open the door to her room. I find her and Zarrah sitting on her bed looking at a magazine.
"Leila," she says smiling at me.
"Hey guys," I say to them and sit down.

I Will Always Love You (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz