Please Wake Up

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I wake up to really bright lights. Where am I? I go to move but my body ackes and my head is pounding. I look around. Am I in a hospital? What happened?
"Hello?" I say softly, My voice is harsh. A doctor comes walking in.
"You're awake," she says.
"What happened?" I ask.
"You were in a car wreck," she says. Car wreck? When? Where was I? I think for a minute. Oh yeah, me and Zeke were going to a party. Zeke.
"Zeke!" I say, trying to sit up but my body hurts again and I wince.
"Dont try to move, you'll be sore a couple days," the doctor says approaching me.
"Zeke. Where's Zeke?" I ask.
"Is he the boy you were in the car with?" she asks.
"Yes. Where is he? Please tell me he's okay," I say. Before she can answer the door opens again. It's my mom.
"Leila, you're awake, thank god," she says rushing over to me.
"Mom, where's Zeke? I ask her. She looks over to the doctor.
"Leila. Zeke has multiple injuries. Some internal bleeding we can't control. He's stable for now but we dont know how long that will last," she explains.
"No. No No no," I say, tears filling my eyes, "I want to see him. Please. Mom. Doctor. Please. Can I see him?"
"Honey. He's not awake yet." my mom says soothingly.
"I don't care, I want to see him," I say, through the tears streaming down my face.
"We can take her to see him," the doctor says. She leaves the room and comes back with a wheelchair.
"It might be hard for you to get out of the bed so Take your time and let us know if you need a break," the doctor says.
My mom helps me sit up, I throw my legs over the edge of the bed. It hurts but I fight through the pain, I need to get to Zeke. I go to stand and start falling. The doctor catches me.
"Told you you would be sore," she says and sits me in the chair. She takes me down the hall and we enter the room. Zeke's mom is laying on the couch asleep. Then there's Zeke. His legs are wrapped in casts and he's a bruised and cut up. More tears spill down my cheeks. The doctor wheels me over to beside his bed and leaves The room. How could this have happened?
"Zeke," I say softly, crying silently. I take his hand.
"Please baby. Please wake up. I love you, I will always love you, please wake up" I repeat. His mom stirs and sits up.
"Leila," she says when she sees me. She gets up and comes over to me. She wraps her arms around me.
"I know baby. I know," she says stroking my hair as I cry. I can hear her softly sobbing too. How could this have happened?
"Please wake up," I say again, Hoping he'll hear me and wake up. I spend all day and all night by his side.

The next day the door opens and my mom's head pops in.
"Leila sweeite, you have a visitor," she says and Vitta walks in.
"Vitta," I say through sobs.
"Oh my gosh, Leila," she says and then her arms are around me.
"What happened?" she asks me.
"I.... I dont know. One minute he was driving then the next we were upside down and.... I... I dont know.. I ... Zeke, please wake up," I say.
"Shhh," Vitta says, "He'll wake up. He will just give it time," she reassures me and continues to hold me. I cry into her shoulder. We sit there, with Vitta holding me, for what feels like forever. Then suddenly I feel Zeke's hand tighten around mine. I lift my head quickly from Vitta. That makes me dizzy. Zeke moves a little and I see his face scrunch up.
"Vitta," I say. She releases me and looks at Zeke.
"Zeke," I say, putting my other hand over his.
"Leila," it barely comes out. His voice is harsh and soft but he said it.
"I'm here baby," I say rolling myself closer.
"Leila," he says again, a little louder this time but now much.
"Zeke, baby, I'm here. Im here." I repeat. Then he opens his eyes. He looks disoriented for a minute then looks over at me.
"Leila," He says. He goes to reach for me but winced when he feels the pain.
"Don't move baby," I say. Vitta leaves the room, most likely to tell a doctor that he's woken up.
"What happened?" he asks me
"We were in a car wreck on the way to the party the other night. You remember?" I ask.
"I rememeber," he says.
Tears sting my eyes once again. Vitta comes back in followed by the doctor.
"Welcome back," She says smiling at him. She opens a binder and starts writing some stuff down.
"How were we in a car wreck?" he asks me.
"I dont know. I think someone hit us," I say.
"You told me you loved me and the next thing I know we're upside down. Then I passed out," I explain. More tears.
"It's okay baby," he says tightening his grip around my hand reassuringly.
"He's awake. That's a good sign right?" Zeke's mom says rushing into the room.
"It is a good sign," the doctor says, "but its a possibility that he could fall back asleep because his injuries. We just have to keep a close eye and make sure that doesnt happen." His mom is at his other side.
"You look beautiful in a hospital gown," he says to me. I smile at him through my tears.
"Yall are cute. How long have yall been together?" the doctor asks us.
"Going on three years," Zeke says squeezing my hand. I smile at him. My mom is at the door again. "Leila sweetie, do you need anything?" She asks then sees Zeke is awake.
"Zeke you're awake!" she rushes into the room. "That's good, isn't it?"
"Yes," the doctor says.
"I love you Leila. I will always love you," Zeke says and then He starts shaking viciously.
"What's happening?" I yell.
Next thing I know there are 4 more doctors in the room and we're being pushed out the door.
"Zeke," I cry as they close the door. I get taken back to my room with no information. I sit with Vitta and cry. My mom sits beside us and Zeke's mom is pacing from one side of the room to the other. About an hour later a doctor calls His mom out. I hear mumbling Then his mom yelling and then crying. What's happening. My mom sees the expression on my face and follows them out the door. A few minutes later our mom's enter again, in tears.
"What?" I demand.
"He had swelling in his brain. They did everything they could but he has too much bleeding. He's not gonna make it," she explains. Looking pale.
"No. No. No. No. No no, I say over and over. "This isn't happening. Vitta tell me this is my happening. I'm dreaming. Zeke. Oh Zeke. No I can't lose you Zeke." I go on and on. Vitta wraps her arms around me again.
"I want to see him again," I say.
"We have to wait for a doctor. It's alright," Vitta whispers in my ear and I cry some more. "Please tell me I'm dreaming," I say.
An hour later a doctor comes back and tells us he didn't make it. I lose it and start bawling my eyes out.

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