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The rest of the week went by drearaly at school. People still stayed away from me and whispered about me. They acted like I was a bomb that could explode at any moment. I never cried once. Mostly because I had Vitta and Jax to distract me. Finally it was Friday and I decided to skip school. I didn't feel like hearing the whispers and see the pointing the day before my birthday. Even though I knew it was going to be a horrible 18th birthday. Me and Zeke were suppose to go all out for my birthday. We were gonna go out to eat and see a movie and maybe go to the casino. Then we were gonna stay up all night and watch cheesy movies. But now, I don't know what's going to happen.

"Your birthday is tomorrow," Zeke says, making me jump 5 feet off my bed.
"Zeke. You know how jumpy I am, why would you sneak up on me like that?" I say grabbing my chest.
"Is there any way I cant not sneak up on you. I'm a ghost," he says it like it's normal. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. I have no reply to that.
"What are we doing for your birthday?" he asks.
"We?" I say. He looks like I just stabbed him in the chest.
I sigh, "it's not like I don't want to spend my birthday with you. But I can't run around looking like I'm talking to myself," I explain.
"Oh..." He says and then disappears. I sigh again and my phone chimes. I pick it up and read the text from Jax:
So what are we doing for your birthday tomorrow?
I reply:
How did you know my birthday is tomorrow?
My phone chimes again.
Vitta told me. Am I allowed to get you a present?
I sigh again and toss my phone into the floor. Luckily my floor is carpet so I don't have to worry about breaking it. I lay there for what feels like forever when my phone starts ringing. I get off my bed and grab my phone.
"Hello?" I say lazily into the phone.
"Party tomorrow? You down?" Vitta asks me.
"Sure, what else do I have to do" I say.
"Awesome. I'll see you tomorrow," she says and hangs up. Isn't she suppose to be in class. Oh well.
"A party?" Zeke says, "We never go to parties."
"What else am I suppose to do. I can't Do what we originally planned. You're dead," I say tearing up a little.
"We can still do something," he whispers. When I don't answer he is gone again. Jax texts a couple more times that day to talk to me but I ignore him.

I wake up at 1 in the afternoon the next day. I throw on some shorts and a tank top and go downstairs. There is a plate of sugar cookies on the table and a note. It reads:
I had to go to work early and won't be home until late. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you today. But I love you so much. I hope you have a great day. Happy Birthday baby girl.
I smile. I pick up a cookie and grab a soda out of the fridge and plop down on the couch.
"Happy Birthday Baby," Zeke says sitting down next to me.
"Thanks," I say. I pull my phone out of my pocket at text Vitta:
What time is this party?
My phone chimes but it's not Vitta's reply. Its Jax:
Mind if I come over? I have something for you.
I read the text over and over debating whether to let him one over or not. Finally I tell him He can stop by. About 5 minutes later he is walking through the door.
"Hey," he smiles when he sees me.
"Hey," I smile back. When I look over, Zeke is gone.
"That was quick," I say.
"I may or may not have been on the way over here when you answered," he says shyly. I smile at him and he sits down next to me. He hands me a bag he has carried in. I pull out the tissue paper and pull something square out. Its a Grey's Anatomy box set. I smile.
"You remembered my favorite show," I say. Then he pulls out a small dark blue velvet rectangle box and hands it to me. I open it to find a silver chain with the letter 'J' pendant at the end.
"J for Jax," I ask smiling at him.
"What else would it be for?" he asks joking with me. I smile at him. He take it from me.
"Turn around," he demands. I do as he says and he slips the necklace around my neck and clips the back together. I turn back to him.
"I love it," I smile.
"Good," he says, "Happy Birthday." He stroke my cheek gently with his fingers. He has such gorgeous eyes. I lean into him. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight.
"You just made my birthday great," I whisper to him. "That's what I was going for," he whispers back. I pull away and look in his eyes. Tempted to kiss him. A knock on the door makes us both jump. We both laugh as I open the door.
"I'm here to help you pick an outfit for tonight," she says pushing her way into the house, "oh hey Jax," she says when she sees him and plops down next to him on the couch.
"So what are you gonna wear?" She asks me.
"For what?" Jax asks.
"Oh, we're going to a party. You should come too," Vitta says excitedly.
"Sounds like fun. When do I need to be here?" He asks.
"Party is at 9," she says.
"Cool. I'm gonna go home and get prepared. See you tonight," he says to me. He looks me in the eyes one last and leaves.
"Let's go pick your outfit," Vitta says dragging me up the stairs.

Around 9pm Jax comes walking through the door.
"Hey. You look good," he says looking me up and down. I'm wearing my light blue cut off shorts and my baggy Metallica shirt.
"Vitta tried to dress me up but I changed," I explain.
"Where is Vitta?" He asks looking around.
"Still getting ready. I think she's trying to attract a mate tonight," I joke. He laughs and I smile real big. I can't help but get sucked into his eyes.
Vitta comes running down the stairs.
"Good, you're here. Y'all ready?" She asks.
"I guess," I say. Vitta drives us there and we get out of the car. Its a big white house with a big porch. The door is open so we walk straight it.
"Vitta, you made it!" Zarrah says pulling her into a hug.
"Zarrah, you remember Leila and this is Jax," Vitta says.
"Good to have y'all. Join the party," she exclaims and pulls Vitta with her.
"Well then," he states. I laugh.
"Lets get a drink," I say, now being the one pulling him into the party. We grab a couple of beers from the keg and wander around looking for people we knew. Having no luck finding anyone we want to hang out with we head outside to the back hard where there are minimal people.
"I wonder what Vitta is doing with Zarrah. Last I heard, Zarrah turned her down," I say.
"Maybe she changes her mind," Jax says. We go a little says away from the house and sit down on the ground.

"You Still seeing Zeke?" he asks me.
"Yes," I answer.
"Here?" he asks.
I look around and then reply, "No."
""That's good," he says.
"Vitta can see him," I blurt.
"I know, she told me," he replies quietly.
"She tells you everything now. You trying to steal my best friend?" I joke, elbowing him in the ribs.
"Maybe," he says, pushing me over with one hand. I laugh at him and that's when Vitta come jogging up.
"Zarrah said she was wrong when she turned me down and asked me out," she says excitedly. "I'm happy for you," I say smiling at her.
"Jax, would you mind getting me and Leila another drink?" she asks holding her cup out to him.
"Anything for you lovely ladies," he says taking her cup. I had him mine and he leaves.
"Sooo," Vitta says sitting next to me, "Nice necklace. J for Jax?"
"Oh, yeah," I say grabbing it.
"That's cute," she smiles at me.
"You like him, dont you?" she asks suddenly.
"Kind of," I say twirling the necklace around my fingers.
"Is Zeke here?" she asks.
"No," I answer. Its silent for a few minutes.
"I'm gonna go find Zarrah so we can get out of here," she says to me. Before I can reply she is already jogging off. Jax comes walking back up.
"Where did she go?" he asks.
"To find Zarrah so we can leave," I say.
"Ugh," he says and tosses her drink on the ground. He hands me my cup and I take a sip.
"Come on, lets go wait at the car," Jax says helping me up. We get in the car and wait for her. About 10 minutes later she drive us back to my house.
"I'll see you later. I'm gonna go back to the party to see Zarrah for a bit. Happy Birthday again bestie," Vitta yells out her window and drives awake. I wave her down the road.
"I should probably get going too," Jax says gesturing to his car.
"Oh... Okay," I say. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight.
"Happy Birthday one last time," he says into my hair.
"Thanks," I say. I lean back and look into his eyes. Those eyes. His kissable lips. I lean in to him and we're just inches away from our lips touching when I hear my mom yell, "Leila, come inside. You got a package and I've got you a present." Jax releases me and steps back.
"I'll, uh, see you later," he says and gets in his car. I wave as he drives away and go inside. Was I really going to kiss him?

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