You Can See Him Too?

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Jax offers to give me a ride after school and I take it.
We pull up in front of my house.
"Here we are," Jax says.
"Would you like to come in for a little bit?" I ask him
"You sure?" he asks not wanting to push any boundaries.
"Yeah," I say.
He follows me inside. I look around expecting to see Zeke but he's not around. That upsets me. I get a couple of sodas from the fridge and we sit on the couch.
"So I'm guessing you haven't told Vitta about Zeke?" he asks surprising me.
"No," I answer.
"You should, she's your best friend," he says looking me in the eyes. I look down at my hands.
"I will," I say. He lays his hand on my shoulder,
"Take your time," he says. I look at him in his eyes. His gorgeous eyes. He brushes his finger across my cheek.
"You're cute when you blush, he says smiling. I smile back and blush more. Next thing I know, I'm leaning into him wanting him to kiss me. Suddenly there are three loud knocks at the door making me jump away from him. I get up with shaky knees and open the door. Its Vitta.
"Hey, you up for a horror movie night? I brought the snacks," she says holding up a box of popcorn and bag with mixed candy and little debbies in it.
"Sure," I say and let her in.
"Oh, hey Jax," she says when she sees him, "horror movie night, wanna join?" he looks at me then back at Vitta again.
"Wouldn't wanna ruin girls night," he says, " I'll see you later Leila," he pauses at the door like he wants to say something else but doesnt and leaves.
"His loss," Vitta says turning on Netflix.
"Vitta, there's something I need to tell you," I say sitting on the couch next to her.
"Shoot," she says not taking her eyes off the screen.
I sigh. "I've been seeing Zeke."
"What do you mean?" she asks finally looking at me.
"Like literally seeing him. Hearing him. Talking to him," I explain. Then suddenly there he is. Standing behind her at the edge of the couch. He looks hurt. It breaks my heart.
"He's here now," I whisper.
"Where?" she asks looking from side to side.
"Behind you," I answer. She turns around.
"Holy shit," she blurts.
"You can see him too?" I ask.
"Zeke?" she Is shocked.
"Hey Vitta," he says.
"You can see him too," I say quietly.
"Is this real?" she asks.
"Yes," Zeke answers.
"How?" Vitta asks.
"Im here for Leila," he answers.
"Why?" Vitta asks. I just listen.
"I don't want her to be alone. I can't leave her. I love her," he explains. Vitta reaches up to touch him But her hand goes right through his.
"You can't touch him?" She asks turning to me. I shake my head no.
"How do you live like that?" She asks.
"You can see him too," I whisper, tears filling my eyes.
"Wait, if you're here for her, how can I see you?" she asks turning back to Zeke.
"I let you see me," he replies.
"Do you let Jax see you?" she pushes.
"No," he answers with the one word.
"Does Jax know you see him?" She asks me.
"Yes," I say quietly. She glances at Zeke looking at him up and down.
"How do you feel?" she asks me taking my hand.
"I... I cant touch him. I cant hug him. I cant kiss him," I say between sobs.
"Do you want him here?" she asks.
"Yes.... No... Yes... I dont know," I struggle with the answer.
"She's a mess with you here. She cant greave with you here. What do you expect her to do?" she questions Zeke angerily. Next thing I know, he's gone.
"Zeke?" I cry out. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. I feel his hand on my shoulder. I turn around quickly and then I feel his hand on my cheek. He wipes away a tear.
"Shh, I'm still here baby," he whispers.
"He's still here isn't he?" Vitta asks, "go away!" she yells. He looks me in the eyes.
"Do you want me to go?" he asks.
I hesitate then say, "No." He smiles real big and I feel him kiss my cheek. More tears spill from my eyes.
"Don't cry baby," he says.
"Leila," Vitta says. I turn to her and she pulls me into her arms.
"It'll be okay," she says patting my back. I finally stop crying.
"I'm gonna grab us some sodas out of the fridge and we'll get this movie night started," she smiles at me and then goes to the kitchen. I feel a heaviness in her spot on the couch. I look up and Zeke is sitting next to me.
"I miss you," I say.
"I miss you too baby," I he replies, "dont leave me for Jax. I love you."
"I dont want to leave you baby," I whisper. His fingers brush down my shoulder and then he's gone. I hold back my tears.
"Lets get this night started," Vitta says handing me a Pepsi and plopping down on the couch next to me.

____________________________________If you've made it this far in my story, I thank you bunches!
I'm glad some people like this story so far.
Thanks for reading.
It makes my day to see people reading and liking my stories.
Thanks again and I'll update as soon as possible.

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