Are You Still Here?

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It's been a weeks since he's been gone. My cuts are still healing and all I do is lay in my bed. Vitta has visited a couple of times. Some of Zeke's friends, Mark and Luke stopped by yesterday. They held my hand and gave me their condolences. They were holding back tears. I'm just glad they cared. I'm glad they stopped by. It made me feel like Zeke was still here. Part of me feels like he's still here. Not in person, but still here. I could have sworn I heard him yesterday. I heard him say my name.
"Leila, would you like something to eat?" my mom asks opening my door.
"Not really," I say staring at my ceiling fan.
"Okay sweetie," she says and closes the door. She's gonna bring me food anyways. Then I hear it again.
I sit up straight and look around my room. Nothing. Am I going crazy?
"Zeke?" I say quietly. No. Im definitly going crazy. Then I hear it again.
"Zeke is that you?" I ask louder this time. I get up off my bed and look around. I feel a brush along my shoulder for a second. That's his touch. I'd know it anywhere.
"Zeke," I beg.
"Baby?" I hear his voice.
"Zeke, I'm here," I say.
"Leila? You can hear me?" He asks.
"I can hear you baby," I say
I feel the brush across my shoulder again. I grab my shoulder.
"Did you feel that?" he asks me.
"I did," I say, tears filling my eyes.
"I missed you so much baby," he says.
"Where are you baby? Why Can't I see you?" I ask. There's a knock at my door and my mom walks in carrying a tray.
"You're out of bed," she looks surprised.
"I just ... Thought I heard something," I say, shaking my head and sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Well I brought you some potato soup and garlic bread if your hungry," she says setting it on the table beside my bed. "I also brought you a bottle of water," she says, "come downstairs when you're ready," and she leaves the room.
"Zeke?" I ask standing up again. Nothing.
"Zeke?" I say a little louder this time. But he's gone.
I shake my head a sit back down. I am definitely going crazy. I eat a little bit of the soup than lay back down. I fall asleep clutching my pillow.

I wake up feeling disoriented. It's dark. What time is it? I pick up my phone. 10:45pm. I also have a few text messages. All from people asking how I am. I dont reply to any of them. I sit there just staring at my phone. It vibrates. It's a text from Jax. It says:
I've been pondering all week on what to say to you. Because I know you've heard it all. But I can't just not say anything because even though we only spent one day together at school, I feel like I care about you. I just wanted to know if I could come visit you. I want to make sure you're okay. It doesn't have to be right now or today or tomorrow. Just whenever you feel ready. I'll be here.
I re-read his text over and over. Should I let him over? What about Zeke? Then I hear my name.
"Zeke?" I ask.
"Yes baby, I'm so glad you can hear me," he answers.
"How.... What... Where are you?" I ask.
"I'm right here baby," he says.
"Where?" I ask.
"Right here. I'm standing at the foot of your bed. Should I sit down?" He asks and then I feel a heaviness by my feet. I move quickly.
"Why are you moving away from me?" He sounds hurt.
"I'm sorry. I... I can't see you," I say, tears filling my eyes.
"I'm here though," he says, his voice breaking, and then I feel a warmth on my knee.
"Are you touching me?" I ask.
"I am," He whispers.
"I.... I can feel it," I say placing my hand over my knee. I feel him brush up my arm and to my shoulder. I close my eyes and cry silently.
"Don't cry," He says brushing my cheek.
There is a knock at my door and my mom's head pops in.
"I Thought I heard you. Do you need anything before I go to bed?" she asks me.
"I don't think so, if I do, I can get it," I say to her.
"Okay sweetie. Goodnight," she says and leaves.
"Zeke?" I ask. But I get no reply. Is this real? I shake my head and sit there for a few minutes.
I take my phone and text Jax back:
I'd like you to come visit.
Almost instantly His reply comes:
I text back:
Right now
I stuff my phone in the pocket of shorts. I leave my room and stop by my mom's room. She has her door cracked. I peek my head in and she is fast asleep. Good. She needs sleep. I'm tired of her worrying about me. I go downstairs and grab a glass of water and sit down on the couch. I flip on the tv. I go to the recording of the news of our wreck. I watch it again.
"A car wreck on Roger's Ave and 5th Street. Two passengers. 17 year old Leila Smith and 18 year old Zeke Brookes, both injured and being taken to the hospital. Looks like 28 year old Marcus Wright was driving while intoxicated. He ran a red light and smashes into them. More details on the story are pending," The tv says. I him back my tears and turn the tv off. There is a soft knock on the door.

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