Family Portrait |E|

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"You and mom are fighting." I sob into my fathers shoulder. "Is it my fault? I'll fix my attitude!" Mom and dad have just finished their argument, mom stormed out of the house for some air and I decided to come talk to dad.

"Of course not, honey! What gave you that idea?" Dad waves me off, not once tilting his head to see me.

"You two fight a lot about divorce papers and my custody. ." I trail off for a second as I notice dad tensed up. I know dad cheated on mom, he yelled it out during their fight after she confronted him about it.

It's no secret now, that's why he's hardly around and as much as I feel I should hate him, I can't. He's my dad and I need him by my side. I need both of my parents, I don't want to have to spend time with both of them on different days.

"There are just some things you won't understand, honey." Dad finally looks at me and I see he's hurt, too. "But no matter what, I won't give up, I'll fight for you."

He couldn't keep up the fight.

Mom packed our bags and we are heading towards our new temporary home while Dad was at work. I begged Mom to not abandon Dad like this; he should at least be able to bid me farewell but Mom refused. "He lost custody of you," Mom declared. "You'll be able to see him and he'll be able to visit you but you won't be living with him."

But it won't be the same. I'd only get a few hours or so with him while Mom is by my side even then she'd be busy filing everything out for the divorce. "Are we going to go to a hotel? Apartment?" I ask, changing the subject.

Mom fidgets around her seat before sighing, she makes a turn down a familiar street and parks in front of the Jourdan household. "I promise it's only temporary, honey."

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