Chicken |E|

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That is what I am. A fucking chicken.

I was supposed to ask Evangeline to be my girl tonight but I blew my chance. I knew I should've just asked her; I should've risked it. "Are you alright, Albert?" Evangeline asks, her adorable face scrunched up in confusion.

I'm driving her home and since I chickened out, it's awkward. For me, at least. She had no clue whatsoever. So, she's fine. "I'm fine," I breathe. "Just tired I guess."

"Oh," her face goes flat.

I approach her house and she bids me a soft good night before getting off the car and into her house. I'm not sure how long I stayed there, watching as she entered and thinking about how much I fucked up tonight but by the time I had started to drive home, I felt more tired and shitty them before.

"Fils," Dad says, his tone sounding panicky. "Where have you been!? I was worried that you -Were you with Evangeline?"

I nod, "I'm not in the mood to talk about it."

"Didn't you ask her out yet?" He fumbles with his words a bit before he can say them.

"I tried, tonight." I admit, sighing. "But I chickened out."

Dad smiled brightly. "Don't worry about that, fils! Why don't you go up to bed and get some shuteye? It'll make you feel much better."

I oblige but I cannot help but wonder if Dad was sort of glad that I chickened out.

The Forbidden OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin