Athena |E|

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Why did we have to show up to Athena's grave? Couldn't Dad just have given the location for it to Ruby and they'd find it on their own? Who is this woman that everyone seems to know her and are obviously affected by her death?

The tombstone was engraved with Athena's name and titles as to who she was - mother, wife and friend.

I didn't know Athena was a mom, maybe that's why Dad and Ruby care so much. They were probably friends with the deceased woman's children. "February 23rd, 1968 - September 15th, 2014." Ruby gasped, "She died two years ago?"

Dad nodded, "You weren't speaking to her ever since you cut her off. She didn't want anyone to inform you about her passing since you didn't even pick up her phone calls." Ruby physically slumped and took a seat beside the tombstone.

Tears began to slide down her face and her tone of voice was scratchy, "She's been gone for two years and I barely find out; it's my fault for not talking to her. ."

"Why did you cut her off then, Mom?" Evangeline asks, bending beside her mother to comfort her. "If you didn't want to know anything about his woman, then why did you get so affected by her death?"

Dad cleared his throat, "Should we just tell them already?" My head swiveled to Dad. Ruby didn't seem to want us to hear what Dad is anxious to tell us. "Now is not the time, Nicolas."

"Yes it is," I intervene. "I've been wanting to know who this woman is for years now, if you two have an answer then I guarantee you that Ev and I would love to know who she is. She's apparently been hated by more than one person in her lifetime." My statement only made Ruby sob more before calming down and giving the green light to Dad.

"Ruby and I used to be married, you know this, correct?" Dad says and we both nod. "Well, the reason our marriage didn't quite go well was because I was unfaithful." Ev furrowed her eyebrows together, I can see she's placing the pieces together in her mind. "I cheated on Ruby with Athena."

"Is that why you have pictures of that woman hung on our walls!? She was your side chick!?" I shout, "Did you cheat on my Mom, too!?"

Dad shook his head, "I've always loved Ruby, fils. I made a huge mistake by cheating on her but I didn't cheat on your Mom for reasons I wish you to not know right now."

I didn't want to argue about this right now, Mom is already a sensitive topic for me. I don't want to be Ruby and sob in front everyone here. "Then that's it?" I ask, changing the topic off Mom. "Athena was your lover, that's all?"

Ruby finally stood up and cleared her face from the tears that had fallen. "She was also my mother; Evangeline's grandma."

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