Jourdan Generation |E|

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Albert: I need you to come to my house. Right now. Can you?

That was the message that made me drive to Albert's house. I thought something was wrong, that he needed to see me. I thought maybe he just wanted to watch some movies or he wanted to spend time with me.

When Nicolas opened the door for me a greeted me with a halfhearted smile, I knew that wasn't the case. Once I was introduced to three people: Sie (Albert's cousin), Frankie (Her future husband) and Kilian (His daughter) I knew something was about to by the fan.

And it did.

"You're kidding, aren't you? You're all playing a joke on me, right?" I say, my voice sounding like a dying animal. "This cannot be true, how could you have cheated on me?"

Sie wouldn't stop giving me pitiful looks while Frankie looked away in embarrassment and Kilian smirked triumphantly. Nicolas didn't curve his lip at all, either. He'd only look ashamed of what Albert had done.

"Ev, I'm sorry. I didn't know what possessed me, I didn't think I would ever be unfaithful to you." Albert pleaded. "Sie told me to befriend Kilian because she didn't have anyone to hang with but she.. she seduced me and I fell for it."

I want to slap him. My hand it twitching to lift up and slap it across his cheek. Sie reached out to me but I stepped away, "Evangeline, I can't tell you how sorry I am about all of this mess."

I didn't say another word.

I looked at Sie who is waiting for my response, Frankie and Nicolas who look ashamed, Kilian who looked like she was watching a good show and Albert who was close to his head falling off from the way he's hanging it low.

I didn't say another word. I turned on my heel and walked away. Sie called back for me to sort things out but I walked out the door fast. There's nothing to sort out. Albert has to marry Kilian. I ignored Nicolas' shouts asking me to return until I calm down but I continue to walk down the driveway. I don't want to stay another second here.

Frankie shouted something muffled around the lines of an apology but I was unlocking my car. He didn't do anything wrong, he shouldn't apologize. Kilian waved cheerfully as I got in the car.

Albert declared the profound love he has for me but I didn't look at him once; I drove away.

I didn't feel like heading home just yet, I let tears slip down my cheeks but remained in control of the car. I drove somewhere calm and somewhere far.

It seems like the Jourdan generation never changes. They're all unfaithful cowards.

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