Wedding Bells |E|

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"We're getting married!"

Those were the words my father and Ruby had announced to Ev and I a few months ago. They had taken us a fancy restaurant and declared that they had been romantically involved and it led to Dad proposing to her again.

Ev and I were feeling more than jovial for them. She quickly embraced her Mom in a guy while I did the same to Dad.

That was months ago, now, today is the grand day. The reuniting of Ruby and Nicolas Jourdan. I had the privilege of escorting Ruby down the aisle since her father was no longer here to do so, nor Athena. Ev was off in the bridesmaids room getting ready, she had to be prepared before her Mom so she'd be entering the chapel first.

"You look beautiful," I compliment her, taking in her nervous attitude. I don't understand why if she had been married to Dad before, she should know how life is with him now. She should know what he likes to eat, drink and how he likes his showers. How he prefers doing things, etc.

"Thank you," She gushes.

"You shouldn't have to worry," I reassure her. "You already know how he is."

She nods, her smile fading slowly. "I know and that's exactly why I'm nervous, Albert! What if he cheats on me with someone else? I don't think I can forgive him for another infidelity."

"He won't," I offer her a small smile. "He loves you so much that he fears fucking up again."

"I-I'm not sure."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes," she admits.

"Do you trust him?"

She stays silent for a few seconds before nodding. "Yes."

"Then you have nothing to worry about."

She smiles brightly, "You're right!" She lifts her dress from the side. "Let's get this wedding started!" I take her my the hand and escort her to the double door entrance of the chapel where all of their guests have been patiently waiting for the bride to walk through.

Once we enter, all eyes are on Ruby. All besides mine, my eyes are focused on Ev. She looks gorgeous; her hair is styled in nice loose curls, her makeup minimal (not that she needs much) and her dress is stunning. It hugs her in all the right places.

I come face to face with Dad as I hand Ruby's hand to him. "As her Dad had once said, Treat her well or you shall face my wrath." It was a good thing Ruby had told me what her father had told Dad when they married the first time.

Dad's face turned pale for a second before joining Ruby in a soft chuckle. "I'd take a bullet for her, if needed." The audience in the chapel began to aww. The priest started the ceremony once I had taken my place beside Dad as his best man and once they were placed in the center of the altar with the priest in front of them.


"I need to sit," Ev laughed. We had danced various songs and it was time she had a pause. She didn't complain like the other women did when their partner kept asking them for another dance. She kindly accepted my offer and we continued to sway our feet with the motion of the song.

We were seated at the same table as our parents, seeing as we're their children, of course. Ev and I took our seats and sipped our drinks from the crystal glass that we were given. We laid our eyes on our parents, dancing and smiling like fools in love, just how I'd be with Ev one day.

"They look cute together," Ev mutters, beaming. I nod in agreement. "Nicolas better not hurt Mom again."

I chortle, "You have nothing to worry about, Ev." I already had that talk with Dad, "He won't."

"Isn't it weird?" She breathes, turning herself to face me directly. "They didn't want us together, now, they're married and we're together, almost as if --"

I interrupt her sentence by saying what she was about to, "Our love was never forbidden."

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