Chapter 15 lonley kid part 1

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Shadow pov

I woke the next day up and saw sonic still sleeping beside me. I smiled and stroked his quills. I heard him purr.

" Sonikku time to wake up " I said

" 5 more minutes shady " he gave murmle

I smirk and bite his ear that he let out a little moan and woke up.

" morning " I smirked.

He paut but then smiled hugging me.

" let's go downstairs " sonic said.

I nodded case eying him downstairs. Seeing everyone up already eating breakfast.

" finely you two fuckers are all up " jet said.

I give a smirk and let sonic on his feet. He sat beside manic.

" so now that your two are down here I can finely do this. " manic said and stood up walking up to me. I knew what was coming. He was about to punch me but I catch his fist.

" manic what are you doing ? " sonic looked surprised standing up.

" how dare you to fuck my brother ? You know he's just 16 years old you dumbass ! " manic said growling.

" for my defense idiot. He like it and told me to fuck him. " I smirked at the last part.

" S..SHADOW ! " sonic screamed with his blushing face.

" plz tell me at least you used protection " manic said calmed down and put his hands down.

" why should we. Both of us are males ?"

" Shadow he's a herm ! He can get pregnant ! " manic yelled. ( sorry if that herm is wrong. I heard some guys can get pregnant but only if they have something I don't know how they call it anymore. Sorry if anyone know it let me know ) my eyes widen.

" shit.... " I said

" sonic get the test ! " manic said.

" no it's fine really but why didn't I know it. " sonic asked.

" we didn't tell you " manic said.

Sonic wanted to say something but someone knocked the front door. As I opened I saw......

2016 Secret love ( Sonadow love story ) CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora