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Blake's POV

We slowly made our way back to the river. We finally made it, and then I got to work on treating Fancy's wound.

I tore off a clean piece of my pjs and wet it in the river. I did my best to clean the scratches, and they began to look better.

"I'm so sorry that this happened," I said to Fancy. I rubbed her ears, and she lowered her head.

That night, neither of us slept. I stayed awake and comforted Fancy. I constantly checked her scratches, and I was hopeful that we would still be able to continue our journey. I could just feel it inside me that we had to keep going; an instinct.

* * * * * * * *


The 2 kidnappers were getting closer. They knew it, too.

"Hey, stop. Look at this," said one. The other hurried up beside him, and together, they inspected the area.

There were obvious hoofprints, and vague tracks of Nike tennis shoes.

"They were here," muttered one.

They smirked, then continued on, following the tracks.

"Those two don't realize what they've gotten themselves into."

** ** ** ** **

A/N: oh my I am very very sorry for the short and boring chapter. it's just a filler :/ i will try to update faster PLEASE BARE WITH MEEEEE

comment and vote pls even though this chapter doesn't rly deserve it!!


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