9-- what was that?

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Blake's POV

We started our day like usual. We both ate a small breakfast, drank from the river, attempted to cover our tracks, then started on our way.

Things were going great, well, for the first part of the day.  We took a break, then walked on. 

A cold breeze blew through the trees, and I wrapped my pajamas tighter around me. The spot we were walking in was giving me the creeps, and I could feel Fancy take a couple faltering steps, but we continued on. I know the kidnappers are following us, like, I don't have any evidence, but I can just feel that we are constantly being watched and tracked.

I shivered, then patted Fancy. She was being so brave. I knew these woods made her nervous, but she was handling them like a pro.

I decided to hop off and let Fancy have a break from me being on her. We walked side by side for a while, and that's when I heard the snap of twigs off in the woods a little distance away.

I froze, and said, "What was that?" and turned around cautiously. Nothing was there, so I shrugged it off, and continued walking. The faster we get out of this neck of the woods, the sooner we could actually sleep without being paranoid!

Another snap came from the woods, and this time, Fancy froze, and pointed her ears towards the sound. I stopped too, and looked towards the sound. "It's okay, Fancy," I said. "It's just a squirrel or a rabbit," I said, trying to convince more myself than Fancy.

Then everything happened so fast.

I heard the loud and unmistakable sound of growling, and a large brown mass jumped out of the woods. I screamed, and dodged out of the way. In the corner of my eye, I saw a white blob flee from the scene.

I began to sprint as fast as I could, but as I was running I ran smack, right into a tree. I fell down, and my vision blurred for a second.  I could barely make out yellow, glowing eyes and large teeth heading for me, and it registered in my head that I needed to keep moving.

I scrambled to my feet and began to run again. I could hear the beast getting closer as I swerved between trees. My lungs burned, and so did my legs, but I had to keep going. I ran and ran and ran, but so did whatever animal that was chasing me. My legs began to slow, and I knew that I would either have to try to climb a tree, or give in to the beast and become its next meal.

No. I had to survive.

I began to turn to the closest tree, but my foot slipped and I tripped over a root. I saw the animal running towards me, then slow as it approached me. We were only feet away now, and I scrambled backwards until my back was up against a tree. I stared at the beast's glowing eyes, sharp teeth, and mean scowl, and I closed my eyes. It was a bear. I was mentally preparing myself for the tearing of teeth in my flesh....but it never came.

"Huh?" I breathed, as I opened one eye and saw-

"FANCY NO!" I screamed as I saw Fancy defending me from the bear. It lashed out at her, and I saw three scratch marks on her shoulder, but she never quit.  She bared her teeth at the bear, and I could hear the impact of hoof on flesh. The bear growled, but Fancy continued to fight. With a final rear and a piercing neigh, the bear fled back into the woods, and Fancy came back down to the ground.

I sat and blinked, still processing what just happened. Fancy just saved me from the bear.

I stood up on wobbly legs, and hobbled over to Fancy. "Good girl," was all I could manage to say as I stroked her, then wrapped my arms around her neck. I stayed there, and I could feel the weight of Fancy's head on my shoulder. 

"Thank you."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: ayyeee i actually updated! i really liked this chapter. it felt a lot more action-y than i usually write. anyway, how is everyone's summer going?? mine is going GREAT! I had my summer program orientation/goal setting lesson yesterday, and i am VERY excited for it to start! unfortunately, it starts next week, but next week im gonna be at the beach. Im still very very excited to go to the beach though:))

random question: what's ur favorite summer activity(ies)?

mine are riding, swimming, and sleeping

anyway, please vote and comment!! thx guys:))

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