8-- homeward bound

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The sun was setting, and it looked like fire behind the silhouettes of trees.  I was leaned up against a tree, studying my map.  I found Waukesha on the map, and traced a path from it to my city.  I sighed.  It would definitely take days to get there, and there was also a problem: I didn't know how to get there!  I strained my eyes looking at the map in the weak light, hoping that a solution would just pop right up on the page.  But it never did.

I decided to take a break, and check on Fancy.  Currently, she was sipping water from the river.

"The river," I whispered suddenly.  This was my answer.  

I snatched up the map so fast I gave myself a paper cut, but I didn't care.  I found Waukesha, then looked for rivers near it.  There was only one river, and I was sure it was this river. I traced my finger to where it leads, and I yelled and cheered when I realized it ran through my home city!  Then I silently scolded myself for yelling so loud.  The kidnappers might have heard me. I brushed it off, and focused on how I was going to get Fancy and myself home.

I made a decision that we would stay here tonight, then start following the map home tomorrow.  I looked at the setting sun.  That way was west.  I quickly got my directions, then grabbed some rope out of my bag.  I walked over to Fancy.

"Hey Fancy," I whispered, and she turned her elegant neck to me. I petted her, then made a makeshift lead rope, and led Fancy to a tree. I tied the rope to the lowest tree branch, long enough so she could graze.  Even though it wasn't very late, I decided that I should get some sleep. I fluffed my bag, then rested my head against it.  I fell asleep to the sound of Fancy chomping on grass.

* * *

I woke up to the feeling of wuffling lips against my hair. I jumped up, surprised, then remembered that it was just Fancy! "Silly girl," I cooed as I stroked her muzzle. Then I got up, and began to pack up all of my things. It was time to start following the river to home.

I quickly took off the bandage on my shoulder.  The small tear where the bullet had grazed me was looking better already.  I washed it, then re-bandaged it. 

I looked at the map, and got my groundings.  We had to follow the river downstream to reach home. I nodded, then put the map in my bag. 

I walked over to Fancy, and untied her.  I led her to the river, and she took a long, slow sip of cool water. I cupped my hands and drank from the water, too, and it was very refreshing.  When we were finished, I used all my strength and swung up onto Fancy's back.  I grabbed the rope, then realized my mistake.  I forgot to tie the other end of the rope to her halter. I groaned, got off, tied the lead rope into reins, then struggled to get back on.  Somehow, I made it up, and I patted Fancy.

"Good girl," I said, then gathered my reins, and gave her a light squeeze. She took off at a brisk walk, and we began our journey.

* * *

NARRATOR POV (a/n there will be little narrator breaks in the story. you'll see why)

As Blake and Fancy began their way to Blake's home city, the 2 kidnappers began their journey to find them.  They went into the woods where they were camping the previous night, and looked around.

They saw the hoof prints of their horse, and they saw the tennis shoe prints of their girl. They knew that they needed to find them before they reached their home city.

"Let's follow their tracks. They can't have gone far," said one kidnapper.  He knew if they reached the city before they did, they could possibly be in big trouble.

"Ah, relax," said the other.  "No police is gonna believe a little kid like her."

"They just might when she comes back with a horse she didn't have before!" yelled the first guy.

"No, I have a plan," said the second guy.  "If we don't get to them before we reach the city, we will accuse her of stealing our horse," he started.  "Then, her parents will just think that she was trying to get attention by running away and getting a horse.  Her parents told us that she loved horses at dinner the other day, remember?" he said slyly, and smirked.  "There's no way we'll get in trouble. We'll be fine."

The other guys grinned, then laughed.  "Let's get going then," he said, and the 2 criminals began their hunt.

* * *

Blake's POV

"Whoah Fancy," I said as I slowed her down.  We were just cantering, and I needed her to save her energy.  She slowed to a smooth trot, then down to an energetic walk.  We walked for a little while, and the whole time I just talked to her.

"Maybe when we reach home, I can convince my parents to keep you," I said.  "Would you like to come stay with me?" I asked her, and she flicked her ears back at me when she heard my voice. I laughed. "I promise I would take the best care of you."  I fell silent, remembering that it's likely that Fancy could have been stolen from her owners, just like me.  "Well, if you're original owners are around, I guess we would have to give you back to them," I said sadly, then shook the thought out of my head. I would think about it when we get there. First, we actually have to get home.

The sun began to set, and the stars started to twinkle in the night sky. "I guess we should stop for the day, shouldn't we?" I said, and halted Fancy. I swung down off of her, then scratched her face.  She rubbed her head up and down against my hand. "You're really itchy girl!" I said, and giggled.  I led her to the river, and we both got a drink.  Then I tied her to a tree, and she grazed peacefully as I studied the map.

"Hmm," I hummed as I looked at the shape of the river.  So far we had been taking a straight path, but I saw that in the last few miles until home, the river made a big turn.  "So when we reach the big turn, we will almost be home," I muttered, then grinned.  From the distance we covered today, I estimated that we would be to the turn in about 2 days.  It was a long way home, but I know we could do it. "And the only way we'll be able to do it is if we get enough sleep, right Fancy?" I said as I saw her cock her back hoof and close her eyes. I smiled, then decided to try to get some sleep.

I leaned my bag against a tree, then closed my eyes.  Sleep found its way to me, and I was out.

* * * * * * * * * *

A/N: hey guys!!! im so so so so so soooooo sorry that i haven't updated in FOREVER!!!!!  Since school is out, im definitely going to try harder to update more regularly.  i posted an update on my profile about whats been going on, so if you want to know what in the world has been keeping me from updating, that's the place to look.  please vote and comment!

random question: what are your plans for this summer?

my answer: basically, i'm just going to take care of Zeke and ride in a summer program! I'm also going to the beach for a few days in 2 weeks! 

I hope you guys are having a great day, and are having a great start to summer!

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