Chapter 1-The YouTube Club

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I'm not your average teenage girl. Or the athletic type of girl. I'm the type of girl who loves game day. Game day as in Minecraft gaming.

It's kind of sad but I spend most of my time watching videos on YouTube and playing Minecraft. I know you can call me a nerd.But lets face it, how many girls and boys in the world play Minecraft?

Anyways back to the subject. Think about it for a second, how do you think my life looks like? If you guessed boring then you're absolutely wrong. There's benefits. (If you're interested.)

You know all these YouTubers right? I watch Skydoesminecraft, MinecraftUniverse, Pewdiepie, and a lot more others.

Well, that's perfectly- excuse me, imperfectly me. I wish I could meet Team Crafted one day. I don't know. Time could only tell. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to-


Ugggghhhhh! That's my annoying little sister, Maya.


Sorry about that... So I'll be going now, see ya!

Oh yeah! One more thing:

Welcome to The YouTube Club




"Team Crafted! Team Crafted!" The huge crowd chanted. Everyone was outside of PAX waiting for the arrival of Team Crafted.

"Cream Tafted! Cream Tafted!" Chloe excitedly yelled. I looked her like she was crazy. "What?"

"Cream Tafted? Where did you get that from? And what is that?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Don't you get it? It's Team Crafted only switch a couple letters around," She stated.

"You have a crazy mind." Chloe rolled her eyes. The crowd's cheers became louder.

"I can't wait for them to come!" Chloe excitedly said while holding a sign.

"Yeah," I replied a little nervously. She seemed to notice.

" It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Don't miss it," she stated in reply.

I thought for a moment. Chloe is a big fan of Team Crafted. She'd do anything to meet them. Suddenly she pushed me to the side.

"Whoa what are you doing?" I sternly asked.

Chloe was smirking obnoxiously. " I'm making you go see them," she called between smirks. The crowd raised their voices and soon they were screaming. Team Crafted arrived!

"Hey look! Team Craf-" Chloe pushed me harder again and I was being pushed through the crowd. Bang!

"Oh my gosh I'm so sor-" I looked up and noticed Jason (MinecraftUniverse) was the person I bumped into.

"Oh it's ok," Jason replied to my cut off. He started walking to a private room in PAX.

"Wait!" I surprisingly called out. He looked back at me surprised as well.

"I'm Jessica," I nervously introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you Jessica. You're not like the other fan girls I've met," He replied. I started to blush.

"JASON!" Adam(Skydoesminecraft) called.

"Um.. I hope to meet you again," he quickly spoke and caught up to Sky. All I could do was stand there in shock of what I've done.

"So how'd it go?" Chloe asked running up to my side.

"I just met Jason," I replied still in shock. Part of me wanted to fan girl but I kept quiet. "I met Jason!" I said again unfreezing myself.

"Eek!" Chloe fan girled. "I'm so smart for pushing you."

" Oh yeah, sure," I sarcastically said. The crowd spread apart and quickly rushed inside of PAX leaving us alone outside.

"Wanna go home now?" I asked nervously.

"Are you kidding? This is PAX! I can never miss a moment of it," Chloe said and she started walking in. I sighed and followed her inside.


It was like any normal day. Hanging out with the guys, traveling day by day, going to PAX, fan girls going crazy, this is life.

"Ian and Quentin are going to meet us at PAX," Jerome stated.

"Wow, second time at PAX and it hasn't been that long since," Mitch recalled.

Our ride stopped and we arrived at PAX with a huge crowd in front. We went down and greeted some fan girls.

I wonder what'll happen this time, I thought. Bang!

"Ouch!" I yelled. I looked down and saw a fan girl on the ground.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sor-" she called. I bet she didn't realize she bumped into me, as in Jason. Wow she's pretty- no snap out of it Jason,I thought.

She apologized and I walked away. But she introduced herself. Her name was Jessica.

" Who was that?" Adam asked.

"Some fan girl who came out of no where," I replied.

"Wow, girls," He said.

I gave a nervous chuckle. I really did hope to see her again.


After PAX we went home. I started to watch Jason's videos, the one with him and some face-cams. The incident that happened changed me. I didn't want to fan girl over him anymore. I'm scared to say this I actually have tiny, TINY feelings for him. There's like a 50-50 chance of us meeting again. I just want to hug him. Who knows, we might meet...

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