Lazy Day 4: Dancing

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A/n: I can't with that vid you sent me of your mom dancing to that XD XD XD

You step out of the bathroom and saw that Cole wasn't in the room.

You hear music from downstairs and decide to go and see why it's so loud and what's going on.

You go downstairs to see your mom dancing to Lets Go Crazy by Prince.

You saw Cole bopping his head to the music and cheering your mom on.

"Woah what's going on-" you say but then stop when Cole joins in and dances with your mom.

10:30 pm way to late for this.

You watch as they laugh and dance to the song terribly.

Cole then gets on top of the table, takes his shirt off and start swinging it around.

"Oh my gosh I'm done.." You say rolling your eyes.

"WOOHOO!!!" He says and then decide to just go back to your room.

"C'mon Lauryn join us!" Your mom says.

"No thanks I'll just go back to my room." You say with a chuckle.

Cole then jumps down from the table and takes your hands and dances with you.

"Hahaha Cole!!!"

You ended up joining in too and everyone pretty much went crazy in the kitchen.

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