Seeking Help

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    Wendy sat in her dorm trying to work on her homework, but she couldn't focus. She knew that the only way that she would be able to focus was a visit to her brother and sister. Even though, they couldn't be there, they were and they could still help her.

    Wendy walked into the hall and saw not only her brother and sister. She also saw her mother and father. She ran over to them so happy to be able to see and talk to them. When she got over to them her mother looked at her and said "hello my beautiful baby girl. How have you been?"

    "I have been trying to make it, but without all of you I don't really know if I can."

    "Well, we are closer to you then we were before."said her father

    "Yes, but you are gone. I can't go home for the holidays and have a meal cooked by my mother. I can't come home to warm hugs given by my father because they took you from me."

    "My baby girl, you may not have us, but you have your friends. The Weasleys love you like you were one of them. You also have a young that you brother and sister have told me all about."said her mother

    '"I will tell you this if this young man hurts you I will come back and haunt him until he never thinks about hurting you ever again."her father said

    "Actually that is why I came to talk to Maddi, but mom I could use your help too."

    "Ok well, Austin, you and your father need to go."

    "I'm her father, why do I have to go?"

    "You have to go because I said so."her mother said

    "Fine. We'll go visit Lupin, Tonks, and Fred."said Austin

    "I need all the help I can get. So, can you ask Tonks to come over here?"

    "Sure"Austin and her father both replied

    A minute later Tonks showed up next to her mother and sister and said "your father and brother told me that you wanted some help."

    "Yes. I'm in need of some major help."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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