The First Feast

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After the first years had all been sorted, McGonagall came up to give her speech.

"Welcome back to all of you who are returning students, and to all of those who are new to this school. As many of you know this school was the center of a Great War between good and evil. In this war we lost man at the hand of Voldemort and his followers. We will soon have a special part of the castle where you can go to honor and visit those who we have lost. We will have a special revealing ceremony for the part of the castle. Many of the people we lost were family and friends. They fought with everything they had and died heroes. Nothing anyone says r does will make the hurt go away, but maybe this will give you some peace. Now on a better note, I would like to introduce yu t this years heads. Your Head Girl is Ms.Wendy Cooper. Your Head Boy is Mr.Draco Malfoy. Those of you who have a problem with these two people will need to learn to respect them. Now without further a do, let the feast begin."

As soo as McGonagall finished her speech Ginny turned to Wendy and said "you did'nt tell us that Malfoy was the Head Boy."

"I didn't want to think about it anymore than I had to. especially after what happened during the war. He is the reason that my brother and sister are both died."

"We know and we're sorry for being rude. I can't imagine having live with the person who cause my siblings to die. I mean if I had siblings." said Hermione.

"I don't understand how McGonagall could even let him or any of the Slytherins back in after this past year."

"I don't know either, Ginny. Whatever reason she had, it better have been good."

"Now, that your tummies are full head up to bed. Will the Heads please follow me? I will show you to your dormitory." Said McGonagall.

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