Aiden gave her the finger. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

"Scary," she said, "but make me."

Colton took a sharp turn and glared at the both of them. "Stop it, Riley. I don't know what's gotten into you these days but you need to control yourself. If all you want is to stir up distractions then I can't allow you in the car. You're making me mad, and you know how bad that turns out." He glanced at Violet's confused expression and sighed. "When we can't control our anger, we go crazy. That's why I tried to attack you the other day."

Anger? Was he angry because she didn't want to believe him that day? Violet didn't want to look at Aiden, though she could feel his rage increasing next to her. One look at him, and she was sure he would kill her. She had also forgotten about Ace until now. Ace left because they didn't kill me, she thought. Had they kidnapped her for her blood? The thought sent shivers down her spine. Thank god, Riley shut up for the rest of the ride.

"We're here," Colton finally announced. Violet looked at the window to see a nice looking house. They rang the doorbell and a brunette lady with pale skin opened the door.

"Come in," she said while staring at Violet. Violet immediately recognized her from the vision she had from Colton. Once they were in, she immediately asked questions. "Who is she?" the lady nodded towards Violet.

"Her name's Violet. She's my friend back in New York. She came to Oregon to find me but things didn't turn out as planned. It's risky, but she's willing to help," Colton summarized.

Phoebe stared at Violet for what seemed like the longest time. "What's your last name, young lady?"

She looked at Phoebe nervously. "Ledgerwood. Violet Ledgerwood."

"Ah." Phoebe smirked. "Are you aware of what they are and who I am?"

Violet nodded. "You're a witch. They told me everything."

To her surprise, Phoebe smiled kindly. "Welcome to the team then. I heard Ace left, is that correct?"

"Yes, she did," Riley said.

Phoebe looked worriedly at everyone. "This isn't good. We'll have to do this fast before they find anything out." She looked at Colton. "I have the locations ready." She left the room and came back with a few papers.

Violet caught the words "Massacre in Las Vegas. Killer in the picture above. If seen, please report to the authorities." on one the papers. The blurry photo presented a girl with bright red hair.

"Scarlet's no longer in Oregon like we thought. She's in Vegas, closer to The Silvers," Phoebe said.

Delsin freaked out. "Vegas? My sister's there. What if she's hurt? We haven't really heard from her."

"Don't worry. We'll be there soon. She's strong, which is why we chose her to be the one to track down The Silvers," Colette said.

"We need to leave immediately," Delsin said. "Will you come with us?"

Phoebe shook her head. "I can't leave right now. I have some business to attend to but make sure to update me." She turned to Violet. "Good luck to you guys and nice meeting you Violet." She smiled and turned to Colton. "Keep it up. Make sure Violet is aware of your abilities and give her time to adapt."

Colton looked at her strangely. "Alright."

Violet had not expected Phoebe to be kind. She had no trouble imagining Phoebe to be threatening in the beginning, but now she wasn't sure what to think. The Phoebe she just met didn't seem like the one in the vision. Then again, she couldn't let her guard down.

When they were out, Riley spoke up. "That's weird. That old hag usually gets worked up on us, but she didn't get angry at all when we introduced Violet."

Colton agreed. "That's what I was thinking, but let's not challenge her. We want her to stay nice to make things easier."

"Maybe she used her psychic abilities mid-convo and thinks Violet is a good idea after all," Colette said.

"Doubt it," Aiden said.

Violet glared at him. What was his deal?

"Colette may be right, but let's just hurry before my sister ends up dead," Delsin said. He was the first one to enter the car.

Riley snorted. "Relax. She probably doesn't know that Scarlet's running around in Vegas and The Silvers probably don't know either. She'll be fine."

Violet faced Delsin. "Is your sister the sixth member?"

He nodded. "Her name's Em."

Violet gasped which surprised everyone. "Could it be Moira?"

Delsin looked at her in surprise. "How do you know that?"

"I met her in San Francisco and she let me hitch a ride to Oregon before she made her way to Vegas." Violet never expected Em to be a vampire. She seemed so happy and well...human.

"What the hell? She let a stranger into her car, and wasted gas just to drive you to Oregon?" Delsin said, alarmed.

"Relax. Just calm down, Delsin. Keep your hopes up," Colette reassured him. "I bet you she's fine."

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