Chapter 62 - Escort?

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I walked down the steps, savoring every bit of my sanity as I heard my foot steps make the floor boards creak. I pulled the white, black, and gold colored shopping bag to my elbow and stood in front of the turned off TV. Do they ever turn it on when they're waiting for me? I was face to face with Ukyo who was sitting in front of me on the red couch. Masaomi was to his right, Azusa and Tsubaki next to him. To Ukyo's left there was Kaname, who wore a very apologetic look, and Hikaru sat next to Kaname with a wide smirk on his face. Louis was sleeping on the far corner of the couch, a hand through a sleeping Fuuto's hair and a comb in the other. I guess they were waiting for me for a while now. My eyes shifted to the clock and I slightly laughed inside when I found out that is was already 2am in the morning.

'They really do care about me.'

Azusa must have seen the amusement in my eyes because the next thing he did was close his eyes and shook his head, a smile on his face as he thought about my troublesome antics. Ukyo sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Care to explain why you are late? Again."he asks.

"Well, I was with a friend and we decided to watch the Autumnal Equinox. The sunset was beautiful."I smile.

"Will you please explain in a better manner?"he snaps."Start from the beginning, when Hika-nii lost you at the mall."

Hikaru was scotching down notes onto his notebook, no doubt using this as inspiration for his novels.I groan loudly and close my eyes before continuing.

"Well, Hikaru-kun went to get the car started while I bought my clothing. I was about to go to the car afterward but I bumped into a good friend of mine. We rarely see each other so we decided to hang out for a while. We went to his house and talked for a bit. I guess I lost track of time after we watched a movie and I decided that I'd stay over at his house. We had dinner, so that'll help your conscience knowing that I ate. So I slept over and the next morning I remembered that you were already going to ground me until I was twenty so I decided, 'Why not make the best out of my freedom?'. So we decided to visit my college. After that we had lunch at the cafe on campus. Then we went over to the edge of Tokyo, near the ocean, which took two hours to get to. There was a festival so...yeah. We ate and hung out, again. Soon after we went back home and he dropped me off. Yep, that's all that happened. Now, since I know what you're gonna do next, allow me to do it myself. 'Saki Yamamoto! You are grounded. For two months! Make it three months! We were all worried about you! What was going on through your head that made you forget to tell us where you were? Now go to your room and think about what you've done.'"I imitate and chuckle, folding my arms over my chest."Do you have anything else to add...Ukyo-kun?"

The brothers just sat there, flabbergasted at my response. Kaname inhaled deeply and swung his arms onto the couch.

"I believe you Saki-chan. But just one more thing, where did you get those nasty marks?"asked Kaname.

My breath hitched and I looked down, not wanting to meet anyone's gaze. My eyes deceived me as I glanced at Azusa who looked at his hands, seeming pretty uncomfortable.

"Hmm, I don't think those marks were from the boy she saw. I saw them before she ran off."said Hikaru.

'Dude, you're not helping.'

"And like I said Hikaru-kun, these marks are none of your concern. They aren't ANY of your concerns. Honestly, let me just live my life. I'm only here for Ema-chan, and if you seriously think that I'm here for one of you, then just back off. I'm not your responsibility."I hiss and Hikaru looks at me with a sympathetic smile after seeing Ukyo get up.

"As long as you live under this roof, then you ARE our responsibility. I don't know why you have to be so difficult. We have strict rules about curfew and if you are just going to ignore them then I guess you will be punished. Two months sounds fair, but that does not mean that we are letting the subject Hika-nii brought up drop. I have a different punishment in mind. Now, explain these marks."states Ukyo, curiosity laced in his last sentence.

I cross my arms and my blank face stayed put and I shook my head.

"It. Is. None. Of. Your. Concern. I don't feel comfortable telling any of you about my sexual life. So please, imagine you ever saw these."

"Fine, you give me no choice. Give me your motorcycle keys."

I hand them to him blankly while his eyebrow twitches slightly in annoyance as I didn't react the way he wanted, Tsubaki came back from the kitchen with two bowls of popcorn. The other brothers looked as if they were watching a show.

'I would do the same thing.'

"Can I go to bed yet?"

"No, I need to find a suitable punishment. I doubt you would react when I take something from you...fine. You will have an escort, one of my brothers, by your side whenever you leave your room. For one week. You will be dropped off at your university, picked up and brought home. You will not be allowed to go anywhere unless one of us is with you. Got that Saki-chan?"

"Yep, now can I go to bed? If I don't then I think I'll faint in the next ten seconds."

"You see, now this is why you need rest. You can't stay up this late with fri-"

Too late. I collapsed onto the ground and closed my eyes.

'I'm too tired to talk anymore.'

Ema's...FRIEND?! (BROTHERS CONFLICT FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now