Chapter 16-Stuck on an Airplane

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After getting my luggage into my overhead bin I took off my sweatshirt and put on my headphones. Hikaru was sitting to my left and I claimed the window seat. Subaru was sitting to the left of Hikaru, Yusuke, Ema and Fuuto sat behind us. Ukyo, Masaomi, and Wataru sat across from Subaru and the triplets sat in front of us. Kaname, Louis and lori sat across from Yusuke. We all sat in 1st class, we were the only people actually in 1st class on this plane. I looked up from my cell to see a few flight attendants whispering about the brothers and which was cuter and what not. I closed my eyes and listened to the faint sound of music. The low volume allowed me to hear the conversations around me.

"Onii-chan? How long will it take to get there?"asked Wataru.

"17 hours at most. Try sleeping for the time being Wataru-chan."said Masaomi.


"I need to stay in a plane for 17 to this idiot?!"whined Fuuto as he motions to his red-headed brother.

"HUH?! Who you callin' 'idiot' idiot?!"

"That's exactly what an idiot would say."

I sit back in my seat and look out the window. The grey runway was soon replaced with puffs of white and a clear blue sky. The city below me seemed to scrape the sky and the small bits of land disappeared, and all I saw was the ocean. Recording everything was a necessity for videos, so that's exactly what I did. I turned off my phone and got out my mp3 player. My music consisted of mostly Against the Current and Youtuber skits. Hikaru pulled out his laptop and started writing his novel. Subaru seemed to be sleeping and the three brothers in front of me were talking about video games, manga, and anime. Wataru fell asleep and Ukyo reviewed his paper work while Masaomi read a book. Ema was acting pretty uncomfortable in between the two bickering brothers. I wanted to switch spots with her, but Juli jumped onto Ema's shoulder and 'Chii-ed' at the two until they shut up. I kept staring out the window, it was as if the sea was endless. I took out my phone and started writing down my thoughts about my experiences...the Youtube population digs random stuff like that.

'The sea seemed endless. In a way, it was. Someone can get lost in the deep blue color in itself. So calming and beautiful. The waves blended into the light blue sky, creating a layer effect. Only then, did the plane rise above the clouds, and the vision of the sea ended. The sea can end, as can everything else. Nothing can last forever.'

I mumbled my writing for a few minutes before putting my phone onto the tray table and stared back out the window. 1st class was silent. Surprisingly. I felt someone tap my shoulder, my gaze shifted and faced Tsubaki. He was sitting in Hikaru's spot and smiled when I took off my headphones.

"What's up Tsubaki?"I ask.

"Hikaru-nii is sitting in my spot. I don't really know why he wanted to switch though."he explained.

Hikaru turned around and smirked at the two of us."I just needed to talk to Azusa for a little while."

I nod and close my magenta eyes sleepily. My body felt weightless as I feel asleep, tens of thousands of feet in the air.

3rd P.O.V

Tsubaki felt a slight force on his right shoulder. He tilted his head down and was faced with a sleepy Saki-chan. He stiffened and didn't know what to do. Should he wake her? Should he just let her sleep? Should he just let her fall onto Subaru? No, he decided to listen to his gut and let Saki sleep on his shoulder. He didn't know what was going on with him. He remembered the first time he met her. She was so quiet, mysterious...some may even call her scary. But he never broke his own cool facade. Though, with Saki, unlike Ema, Tsubaki would never think of forcing a kiss on her. Tsubaki remembered the kiss. That kiss with Ema, under the porch light, made him feel...nothing. That kiss was suppose to be memorable, lovable. It was different with Saki, he fell in love with her slowly. So slow that it was agonizing. He noticed his other brothers were developing feelings for her. It was like a curse upon every female entering Sunrise Residence. You would never leave without taking someone's heart with you. He smiled and placed his hand on Saki's palm. Little did he know almost everyone on the same exact plane had feelings for her.

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